
neelima mattagunta

Member since: Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Last Visit: Saturday, 20 February 2016
neelima mattagunta
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

A no-snow snow day

Completed my requirements for the day. Worked on new pomsaes for pomsae challenge. Koryo poomsae, I think I got it completely. Also worked on staff and stick forms. Kids are at home today enjoying a no-snow snow day, we worked on making a box camera which was a success. While they were napping I could work on my essays, just need to send them all to the drop box after a final review/editing.

  1181 Hits

Feb 13

My younger one was throwing up last night and all four of us had a disturbed night, woke up around 7 only to go back to bed again. Woke up very late and did not want to leave her and missed all the classes today. Completed the requirements for the day just now, ready to hit the sack already. 

  1160 Hits

Feb 12th

did very well on today's test. All the hard work I put into it paid off. Aditi had a good birthday. I did some requirements early in the morning and finished them after coming from the test.

  1315 Hits

Feb 11

completed all my requirements for the day. I see a good improvement in my sit ups and push ups still hurt my wrists. Had a wonderful mentoring session today with Master Randle. When ever I talk to her I feel the cycle more doable and black belt more achievable. Thank you Ma'am for all the help and support. Could not stay for the BB class today have an important exam tomorrow, should do the last minute revision and also tomorrow is Aditi's birthday had to prep for a sweet dish I am making for her tomorrow. also might bake or buy a cake tomorrow. Tonight before going to bed Aditi wanted know how I celebrated my birthday as a kid. It feels nice when my kids ask me or my husband about our childhood. 

  1117 Hits

Disappointed in myself

today I saw my elder one, Aditi struggling with her pomsae and sparring combinations. I felt very disappointed in myself for not making her practice enough. I was focusing only on her academics and did not work on taekwondo with her as much as I did for her green belt. I started taking taekwondo for her. Her nature is more like me. She is very shy , so first I had to do something for her that involved public performance regularly. So We chose taekwondo at King tiger as we lived very close by at the time. But she would not even try it if I did not try it. Honestly I was also too hesitant to try it. But I had to do it as I wanted Aditi to overcome her weaknesses. I had to change myself before I could  even expect a change in her. But today I felt...

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  1130 Hits

tests tests and more tests

I was busy for the last three days and could neither journal nor log in my requirements. This week and next week are exam and test weeks. So busy preparing for them and my computer is giving me a lot of issues. Lost some of my research data in the process of getting rid of a virus problem. hoping the latest fix will keep my computer healthy for a while.  today is the self defense and study guide test, practiced self defense and revised the study guides early in  the morning. Did some requirements and hoping to finish all my requirements before the classes in the evening. Good luck every one for the test tonight.

  960 Hits

A nice saturday

Had a great day. Did some of my requirements early in the morning and went to the family class, the sparring and the BB class. Today is my first sparring class, I used all my credits from Facebook challenges 2 and 3 towards the sparring classes and never had attended any sparring classes before today. I am nervous about sparring. I am as concerned about hurting others accidentally as I am about getting hurt. Thank you Mr. Foster and Mr. Connor for being such wonderful sparring partners. Black belt class today was fun. I practiced staff form 1 with Dr.Rochelle and she made practicing a great fun. Thank you Ma'am. In the evening was pleasantly surprised to know one of my high school class mates with who I received music lessons is rendering her voice to some Indian film songs. I could not continue my music lessons because of my family's...

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  1048 Hits

Thank you Master Evins

Today Master Evins gave some powerful motivation towards the end of class today. Thank you very much Sir. I absolutely needed it.  Ever since the BB cycle started, I had days when I question myself if I am good enough for doing this, is this even my forte and if I should quit before I make a laughing stock of myself. I would often compare myself with others and think that I am not as good as so and so is. But today I am putting all my fears to rest once and for all.  As Master Evins said, most of the adults in King tiger would have faced bigger challenges in life than being on a 12 week BB cycle or doing some Facebook challenges . I had too. Back in India I had a tough childhood and I made the best out of it to achieve an engineering degree...

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  1048 Hits

Feb 1st Journal

Weekend went by very fast. I could not do any requirements on Saturday as I was very sore. Yesterday was a better day could get in some stuff done, prepared for my upcoming exams. I am totally sleep deprived.  Today was good. I am done with most of requirements. Will try to get in some more pushups and situps before hitting the sack.     

  968 Hits

Frustration at the peak

Things are not going as planned for me. This semester is getting tougher than I expected it to be. There are days when I just want to give up everything. But tend to muster the strength back again. I am unable to give my best on many things going on in life. Well nothing much to jot down today, keeping up with requirements well, will be starting my mentee sessions today. 

  956 Hits

jan 25th journal

I did all m requirements yesterday. I am on red/orange on pushups, I seriously have to do more of them each day. I will be starting my mentee sessions from wednesday.  I have two important exams coming up, one on Feb 9th and the second on Feb 12th. I am overwhelmed in their preparations. The one on Feb 12th is the toughest. Though I am preparing well, I am a little nervous.  Today is going to be busy with kids at home, will squeeze in requirements and studying for my exams.  Have a great day all.

  1035 Hits

Yesterday's Journal

I did most of my requirements Yesterday. It was a beautiful afternoon yesterday, I went for a walk/run to get some sun. Was on the dojang in the evening and met with Master Randle, She is always so encouraging and inspiring. Was following news on snow storm for us and Blizzard ( actually a record breaking one) in DC. My husband is travelling this week and was expected to be home by Saturday morning, but all flights in and out of Charlotte are cancelled. I am worried about him. Today started with extra sleep in the morning and a very late brunch. Kids had fun in the snow for some time, I am trying to keep them creatively engaged so that they stay away from TV and other electronics. I did some requirements for today in the morning, I will finish the mile run/walk and post my results on FB by...

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  894 Hits

yesterday's journal

Yesterday was a normal day, I did my requirements. Revised the study guides and got busy after 1:00pm. Was happy to see some light dusting of snow. I wish it was a little heavy and stayed a little longer. The forecast says we might have 'icy-rain" on friday and saturday. Hope it is not too bad on Saturday. Today started on a hectic note. I am hoping to finish my requirements and revising the study guides. 

  904 Hits

Yesterday's Journal

Yesterday went by so fast. I was busy all day and could not make to any of the classes in the evening. I did all my requirements except for my dearest (and most dreaded) push ups, I stopped after a poor 90. I am planning on starting my requirements with push ups, I tend to push them to the end and just slack in doing them. For the next three days my priority will be to get a thorough revision of the study guides and be ready for the pre test. Just three more days to go, with so much going on in my life, I am very nervous about the pre test. Hope all of you are ready and good luck with the preparation. Have a great day.

  916 Hits

yesterday's Journal

yesterday i could do all my requirements. My sit up reps have improved, still struggling with push up reps. I have started including a couple of different types of sit ups like v-sit ups (I do not know the names of others). I can feel my abs getting worked. I am still struggling with push ups. I take a step forward and take at least half a step back. I see some progress but still a long way to go. Have a great day all.

  866 Hits

Last week

I was not my 100% last week. I could not do as many requirements as I wanted to. But I could complete two of my essays. Yesterday I did my requirements and could do good number of sit ups and push ups. I hope to keep up the number on pushups and situps. Have a great day all.

  1005 Hits

Yesterday's Journal

I could not do much on Sunday except for the run/walk. I was resting the whole day. The rest helped me recover from cold faster and Monday was very good as far as requirements was concerned. I am happy that I could do 160+ situps and progressing on my push ups. I plan on reaching 200 on each of them before next Monday. The rest of the day yesterday I spent with my kids who missed school because they both are still sick. We did a lot of Math and reading together and played some games on Wii. Have a great day all.

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Yesterday's Journal

Yesterday was not a bad day at all, except that I missed the combatives seminar. I was away from home the whole day, took my elder one to hospital and she has a strep throat. We had to have our lunch outside which I do not like at all. I believe that "one should only eat what one can cook with their own hands" (Gandhi). Then did my regular grocery shopping for the week ahead. Came back home and worked on my thesis for some time and read some related articles. My husband and girls went to bed early, but I was awake to finish my requirements in the silence of the night. I am going to start my requirements for today early and hopefully get a nap in the afternoon. I have this burning in the throat that won't go away. HAppy sunday all. 

  1012 Hits

Sore throat and cold

I could not do any requirements yesterday. I am having a sore throat since yesterday afternoon and a cold since night. I have been gulping Apple cider vinegar with honey and garlic since last night. I am going to miss today's seminar and I hate to lose this opportunity to get some credits, which I need the most. I hope to feel better before evening so that I can work on today's requirements. Have a great weekend all.

  999 Hits

Yesterday's Journal

Yesterday was a good day. I could feel some improvement in my push ups and sit ups. Also I am finally able to do Pal Jang with confidence. Some how Pal jang always intimidated me, but not any more. I am able to do with out referring to the video or making as many mistakes as I did earlier. 

  1055 Hits

a long day and a long night

I could not log my requirements yesterday and could not do the journal entry, so doing it in the morning today. Yesterday was a long day.  I could work only a little on my requirements. My girls were coming down with cold and cough. As my husband is travelling this week, I had to take them to class nevertheless. I had a very good mentoring session with Master Randle. Thank you so much ma'am. Then attended the black belt class. Girls and I came home and had dinner. It was difficult to put them to bed and i know they did not get enough sleep. At least one of them woke up every hour the whole night. I wanted Aditi to take rest at home today, but she just would not heed to my advice. In a way I like it that she loves her school and does not want to...

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  1037 Hits

pain in wrist

I did most of the requirements for today. I really need to work more on my push ups and sit ups, I am going over some beginner videos as to how to do them correctly. Every time I do push ups I have severe pain in my wrists, following some tips that I found online and hope these help me to improve my form and repetitions on push ups. would try to do some more push ups and sits ups before going to bed. Good night every one.

  991 Hits

A very Good start to the New year

I did a lot of walk/run today and worked on my forms. I will do some push ups and sit ups in the evening. Over all a good start to the new year as I did a lot of studying, cooking, cleaning, reading and writing with kids and Taekwondo.  Happy new year all and hope we all receive our new black belts in this new year. 

  955 Hits

My First entry

This is my first journal entry. I am just back from Disney vacation in Florida. Though I was on vacation, I was able to do some of my requirements every day. I am happy about that. I am still not able to log my requirements in. Looks like there is a problem and hope that it will be fixed soon.   

  884 Hits