
Miale Nguyen

Member since: Saturday, 13 July 2024
Last Visit: Sunday, 06 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I'm MJ and i'm trying to catch up on the cycle. i'm behind because of a vacation but i'm trying my best to keep up.

50th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and came to school. I am currently at school doing this journal right now so not much has happened. This is my last journal entry and this cycle has been good and wonky I learned a lot and want to learn more as a first dan. Okay I'm done now

  81 Hits

49th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and had pancakes. I went to school and played relay race tic-tac-to. I went to after school and took class, then I went to stix 4 kids. I had a quick session with master Opey and my mentee. Second to last journal and physical testing and the written test is Saturday. Almost done with all essays. Okay I'm done now.

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48th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to school as always. We did a book report in school about this science book were reading and we didn't have P.E. because of house day. House day is when 6th graders (me) meet with 1st graders (little buddies) to do fun activities. I went to after school and played four square until it was time for the stix 4 kids seminar, I'm doing the stix combatants tomorrow. Okay I'm done now.

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47th Journal Entry

Today I woke up, did my hair and went to school. We had picture day and then we went to P.E. During P.E. we played handball. This cycle is coming to a close and I don't know how I feel about it. At times the cycle was frustrating, others enjoyable. I went to after school and took class. Then I got a lot of poomsae and self defense time by breaking it up. Okay I'm done now.

  85 Hits

46th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and had cereal. I went to school and had a big test that literally made me cry. It was sooooooooo long, and the questions were 9th grade curriculum, I"M IN 6TH GRADE!!! I played tag during P.E. and got jumped. I went to after school and took class. Then I waited for black belt class and I did that. I liked being a white belt in black belt class. Okay I'm done now.

  82 Hits

45th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to the gym first thing in the morning. After I did my requirements I came home and showered. I then played some video games before eating. After I ate I watered my plant and the sat down for a little bit. I played some more games and then at pizza. I wrote a essay and played video games once more. This cycle is coming to a end and I really need to finish my written test so I can study. Okay i'm done now.

  109 Hits

44th Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to school. I played volleyball during P.E. At after school I got a mentor session then played mario kart. Since i stay up on friday i did one of my digital detox. I am going to do my white belt challenge this week and go to the gym. Okay i'm done now.

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43rd Journal Entry

Today i woke up a little late and scrambled to black belt class. It was a small class and we worked on a lot of weapons. Then i helped with the 9:30 jounior tigers class and did some requirements before going home. I came home and played video games then i ate and played some more, I came out took a break and watched tv. I took another break and i started cleaning. I vacuumed and wiped stuff down. Okay i'm done now.

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42nd Journal Entry

Today i woke up, drank the rest of my coffee then went to school. We played more volleyball during P.E.today at school. I went to after school, got slapped by a kindergartner, and took class. After after school class, i did a jr tiger class and got a class assistance and a leadership credit. Then i waited til 6:20 to do the senior tiger class. I got a class assistance AND another leadership credit. Got mentee session. Okay i'm done now. 

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41st Journal Entry

Today i woke up and had some coffee. I went to school and played more volleyball at school during P.E. today. When i went to after school i did that class then helped out with the senior tiger class after that, I got my leadership credit. Then i worked on my spin falls and jump rolls, and got a mentor session in. After that i came home and did some burpees. Okay i'm done now.

  112 Hits

40th Journal Entry

Today I woke up to not the best day. I forgot my lunch, didn't finish my mentee session, and didn't get a leadership credit. Well on the bright side i got to play volleyball during P.E. at my school. I came home and went to the gym yo do more of my requirements. I plan on doing class everyday in order to get these leadership credits and class assistances. Okay i'm done now.

  80 Hits

39th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and had chikfila. (yay) I did a essay then cleaned the bathrooms in our house. i spent like 2 hours on that then i ate and played video games. then we went to the gym and got requirements done. After that i came home, practiced playing my viola, and ate. After i ate i got in the shower and got ready for tomorrow. Don't really know what to talk about but i have to make this 3 lines long. I played more videogames and now i'm journaling. Okay i'm done now.

  84 Hits

38th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and ate lunch. (i woke up at 12 lol) We went to the mall then cam home. I played video games and scattered my requirements throughout the day. I ate breakfast food for dinner then watched TV. My nutrition challenge is about to end which is good and i'm all caught up with my requirements . We didn't do much today so i don't really know what to write. Okay i'm done now.

  89 Hits

37th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and ate a snack. I got dressed for the gym, did some burpees, and went to the gym. I did doible my requirements and then we went home to eat lunch. Then i played videos games before doing my poomsaes, self defenses, and kicks. I didn't do much today so i don' have much to talk about. Almost done with nurteition challenge. The week after next week i will be doing my white belt challenge. Okay i'm done now.

  101 Hits

36th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and headed to school. During P.E. iplayed badminton and basketball. I went to after school where master opey was just damping to have a mentor session. But before that i played some beanbag toss or cornhole or whatever you call it, and i practiced rools, jump roles, and spin, falls. Then we had sparring class and i got hit by the almighty windmill. Okay i'm done now.

  84 Hits

35th Journal Entry

Today i woke up a little late and went to school, at P.E. we played 4 team survivor tag. I went to after school and got a class assistance and leadership credit. I also worked on rolls and falls. ( mostly jump rolls and spin falls.) I got home and played video games then spent a solid 20 minutes on looking at every ones tracking. Okay i'm done now.

  107 Hits

34th Journal Entry

Today i woke up, ate some eggs, and went to school.During  P.E. I played king of the castle and lost miserably. (i was playing with 9th graders leave me alone :c) I went to after school and and took regular class. Then I helped out with the senior tigers class and got a Leadership credit and Class assistance. i black belt class and worked on self defense I got complimented on my spin fall. I came home, showered,  and ate dinner. Okay i'm done now.

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33rd Journal Entry

Today i woke up and went to school. I played dodge ball during P.E. I went to after school and got my requirements done after class. I got a session in with my mentee and then went home. I went to the gym today to triple my requirements, my arms feel like noodles. Getting better at the boxers skip, jump roping is very fun. Okay i'm done now.

  101 Hits

32nd Journal Entry

Today i woke up a little late due to me sleeping through my alarm, but i made it to school on time. I think i'm the favorite of all the teachers. We did a shuttle run during P.E. and i got 7.10 seconds. I went to after school and did some requirements and had class. I went to  PMAA class today and then went home and ate. Day who knows on nutrition challenge. No juice makes me sad because i usually have it with my lunch and i'm also sad about no chips, but i shall prevail. Okay i'm done now.

  90 Hits

31st Journal Entry

Today i had black belt class. I'm doing this journal at midnight so i guess i this counts for saturday and sunday since i can't do 2 journals in one day. Got Black belt class done then got a Class assistance. I went home and got waffle house. Played games then i did some pull ups. Got hungry, ate the rest of my waffle the watched TV. I need to catch up on mentee sessions ASAP. Okay i'm done now.

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30th Journal Entry

Today i had a nice breakfast and headed to school. I had a math quiz and a ELA seminar but i think i did fine in those. I went to after school and played pickle ball with Willow and River. Then i did sparring class. I forgot my jump rope so i had to do burpees. Yikes. We did flow sparring so it was fun. Then i came home, showered, and here i am now. Okay i'm done now.

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29th Journal Entry

Today i woke up had a glass of milk and went to school. School was cool. I did push ups and sit ups during P.E. When i got to king tiger i got to see River an Jett test for their bocho's. They both got them in front of me. (congratulations) I did my jump roping at king tiger and also did my poomseas, self defense and kicks. Then i proceeded to cook everybody in mario cart. Today was a fun day. Hoping to get leadership credit tomorrow. Okay i'm done now.                        

  85 Hits

28th Journal Entry

Today i got up on time and went to school. I did a 40m dash at school then went to after school. There i did class and worked on some requirements before helping out with a senior tigers class. Got the wrong credit. (i blame Andrew for taking my warmups) Black belt class went good and i got to work on my spin fall. Tomorrow hoping to finish up my written test and get the right class credit this time. Okay i'm done now.

  88 Hits

27th Journal Entry

Today i went to school like normal. I woke up on time this time. I went to after school and got my burpees done. (i dunno if i spelled burpees right) After after school i went to the gym. I did a lot there and practiced my jump roping. I plan to use that for my essay. I still have no leadership credits so i need to work on that severely. Okay i'm done now.

  94 Hits

26th Journal Entry

Today i slept in (on accident) and went to school. School was cool and i got through it pretty easily. I went to after school and did class. This cycle is teaching me to be responsible (I've said this already in previous journal). I have to remember to journal and get my requirements done, help in classes and get my classes done. Okay i'm done now  

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25th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and did my requirments. Then i got home and ate. I almost forgot to do my journal today but i luckily remembered. Tomorrow i have school so bye bye weekend. I'm getting better at jumproping everyday. I need to see my mentee more. My favorite part of today was jumproping. I got some of my written test done today, planning to work on that this week. Okay i'm done now.

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24th Journal Entry

Today i went to the pool. (yaaaaaaay) I did my poomsae, self defense, and kicks then went home and took a shower. I played video games for a little bit and then i did my requirments. Now i'm here doing this journal. I learned how to boxers skip jump rope but i need to practice. i'm getting my written test done today too. or majority of it. Okay i'm done now.

  92 Hits

23rd Journal Entry

Today i woke up late because my alarm didn't work and got ready for my 4th day of school. After scholl i went to afterschool and did my requiroments. I got a mentor session in and a sparring credit. Day 6 of my nutrition challenge i think and its gone well. I haven't messed up... yet. Okay i'm done now.

  105 Hits

22nd Journal Entry

Today i went to my third day of school. It was nice and i didn't get lost so that's a plus. Today at P.E. i did my mile. Day 4 of my nutrition challenge, my teacher was talking about chips and that made me sad but it's a challenge for a reason. I learned that I actually have honors ELA which means i'm smart. I got my requirements done at after school and went home and ate. Okay i'm done now.

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21st Journal Entry

Today i went to my first day back to school. It went well over all. I got lost during one of the transitions but i found my way in the end. Day 3 of my nutrition challenge and its proving to be a little challenging. Today i learned that ill be dressing out for gym class. im in 6th grade yay. Okay, i am done now

  93 Hits

20th Journal Entry

Today, i did woke up and had chikifila. then i did my physical requirements. I went to PMAA then went to do some errands. I'm going to school tomorrow and it will be my first day back. I hope it will be a good day. Okay i'm done now.

  111 Hits

19th Journal Entry

Today i realized i forget the journals 2 days before yikes. But i just have to remember. Lesson learned. Yesterday i started my nutrition challenge. I can have no juice, yes i'm a kid, no soda, and no chips. I think this'll be a little hard but i got it. I got another leadership credit yesterday plus a black belg class. Okay i'm done now

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18th Journal Entry

Today i woke up and ate. then i played games. i did some burpees and went to the gym. my favorite part of today is when we had freddy's for dinner. I learned how to do crossover jumproping :D. This cycle has a lot of integrity to it because you have to be honest about your requirements. Okay i'm done now.

  127 Hits

17th Journal Entry

Today was a ordinary day. I woke up and watched tv. then i played video games and ate. i did burpees and went to the gym. My favorite part of the day was when we jump roped at the gym but i didn't like the push ups so much. but i had to do them either way so i got those done. This cycle is teaching me responsibility because i have to remember to do my requirements and finish and track my stuff. Okay i'm done now.

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16th Journal Entry

Today i did my essays. i forgot yesterdays journal. i'm very sad but i don't think it'll be that bad. I did a essay today and yesterday. Going to do my nurtrition challenge soon. I my requirments tyen played video games. i was eating bread and that bread was a retextured brick. This cycle has its drags but i think its been good so far. theres no black belt class or sparring due to color belt testing. Okay i'm done now

  107 Hits

15th Journal Entry

Today i went to Collect-a-con. it was cool to be there but it didn't really have anything cool because all of that was on saturday. i forgot to put 2 weeks yesterday so oh well. when we got hom i did some gaming and went to the gym for requirements. we came back and i'm doing my journal now. Okay i'm done now.

  99 Hits

14th Journal Entry

Today i did black belt class. After black belt class i stayed for the white belt class and got a class assistance. my mom said the wrong time so i was waiting for like 30 mins. after class i games and then i went to the gym for requirements. i just got a watch for my miles so i can track that on it. i don't need my pedometer anymore. Okay i'm done now.

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13th Journal Entry

Today is friday! (yaaaaaaay) I did my requirments fhis morning and did a mentee session because i'm a little behind. i didn't really do much today but tomorrow i'm doing black belt class and i'm going to help with Ms. Lisa's class for a leardship credit. We saw the mad scientist today at camp and he was talking about a whole bunch of force and motion. He broke a egg on the mat. Okay i'm done now

  108 Hits

12th Journal Entry

Today. I got JUMPED. in sparing class of course. we were doing 2v1s and of course i was the monkey in the middle. i was going against 2 second dons and i think i did good. but some may say i got WHOOPED. (i'm a bo cho by the way teehee) I am in pain and i need to go take a shower. i did my first mentee session :D. Okay i'm done now.

  96 Hits

11th Journal Entry

Today i did my requirments in the morning like always. We did class at camp and watched a movie. While the movie was on, I went to the other mat and doubled my requirments. I feel good about the cycle. But i do need to lock in because i am still kinda behind. I have black belt class and a mentor session later so i'm boutta eat and go there for class. Okay i'm done now.

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10th Journal Entry

Today i was at camp but i left a little early to get some pull ups in because we don't have a pull up bar at our school. I did triple my pull ups and then did some jump roping. I did a double under :D. But it was with a speed rope. This black belt cycle has been fun. Mostly because i have some friends that like doing physical stuff. (i don't know why lol.) Okay i'm done now.

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9th Journal Entry

Today i went to camp because its a monday as usual. I finally got my Mentee (hoorrrayyyyyy) I did my requirments and Ms. Lisa told me i can help out in her classes on saturdays for my leadership. I had PMAA and it sucks that doesn't count for anything. Not really looking forward to sparring but i have to do it. Black belt class i can do thats fun in my opinion. Okay i'm done now.

  128 Hits

8th Journal Entry

Today is a sunday so i didn't do much today. I went to the gym and did double my requirments. I learned about double unders and boxer jumps with jump ropes and i failed miserably but i'll keep trying. Theres not really much to talk about today because it was a sunday so i think i'm done.

  102 Hits

7th Journal Entry (1 week yay)

Today was my first black belt class. (i know i'm very behind) It was like a regular class but long. I got my mentor and did my pre-physical today. I got a pedometer to track my miles and steps so i don't have to go to a track everyday. Today went pretth smooth and i'm doing my journal before dinner for the first time. This is actually  my 1 week mark and i feel pretty good about the cycle right now. (i hope that doesn't change) I learned that sparring is going to be on friday now and i am very sad but oh well. Okay i think i'm done.

  106 Hits

6th Journal Entry

Today i was at camp and got all my requirements done like usual. We went bowling today. I kinda walked off and got in trouble with my friends but besides that it was fun. I almost forgot to do my journal until i realized when i was laying in bed. Tomorrow i'm going to my first black belt class and i'm ready. Okay i think i'm done now.

  98 Hits

5th Journal Entry

Today i went to camp as always. I basically did class twice because me and a couple of friends did a lot in the morning. I knocked out my requirements and started my day. I'm feeling good about this cycle and i'm getting my mentor Saturday.  Still working on my mentee situation. Besides from that i didn't really do anything. Okay i'm done blogging.

  101 Hits

4th Journal Entry

Today i got my requirements done mostly in the morning. I'm feeling like my arms are turning into spaghetti but i'm gonna push on. i ran a mile in 7.06 minutes :D. I was at camp alot of the day and went to the gym to do some more requirements like pull ups and jump rope. Okay i'm done now todays entry was a little short because nothing really happened.

  276 Hits

3rd Journal Entry

Today i was at camp for most of the day but i left camp a little early so i can get my requirements done. It was easier then yesterday so thats good. Looking forward for tomorrow so i can knock that out. Got my poomsae and self defense done and did my kicks also. I'm going to get a mentor tomorrow and probably a mentee too. okay i'm done now.

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2nd Journal Entry

Hello day 2 and i forgot to mark my class off oopsies. i'm sad but now i know what i have to do. nothing really happened today besides me going to camp. park was fun. i had mash potatoes for dinner. This was my 2nd week of camp becuz i was in florida and i didn't go the other 3 weeks. I'm feeling like i'm ready to go do my pretest because i have to make it up since i was in florida. okay i'm done now.

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First Journal Entry

Today is my first entry and i'm kinda excited knowing that i have something to do everyday. This might be a little hard because i'm not the best at remembering things and i have to remember to do this and everything else in my book but i think i'll be fine. I know i'll try my best, considering all my parents have done, and work hard. Thats really all i had to say so i'm done for now.

  104 Hits