
Meg Rumble

Member since: Thursday, 11 July 2024
Last Visit: Saturday, 07 September 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Great day

Today has been all about Tae Kwon Do. I started the day with a blackbelt class, then did the first day of the white belt challenge. I actually learned a few things. Then we did the kick-a-thon, which was fun but exhausting. The rest of the day has been spent doing requirements with Dylan, and reading my Atomic Habits book.  I feel pretty confident that I will pass the test in a couple of weeks.

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End of 8

Today I went to the Amazon warehouse for my 3:15 am shift, and there were no packages to deliver, due to no trucks coming in, so I got paid for doing nothing. Hooray! I came home and wrote an essay, then studied for my GCP (Google Cloud Platform) exam for a couple of hours. When the sun came up, I did my run, then did my requirements. Work was pretty easy today, a couple of meetings and just some small bug fixes. I went to Blackbelt class tonight, but couldn't make it to rolls and falls because Dylan doesn't get home from school until 5:00. It's ok though. We're able to practice at home because we have a room with a padded floor. Looking forward to the kick-a thon tomorrow.

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Oops! I missed yesterday's journal.

Yesterday I did my requirements over the course of the day, as my morning was extremely busy. I had a mentoring session with my mentee and then helped out in the 6:00 class. Today I have just finished my requirements, and tonight I will go to sparring, then straight to bed.

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Happy Labor Day!

I took it easy this am and opted not to do an Amazon shift. I want this weekend to actually feel like I had some down time. Went to the pool for a while, and did some requirements. I about to study for my GCP certification exam, and then finish my requirements later. 

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Rainy Sunday Evening

Today I did an early Amazon shift followed by a Whole Foods shift. I went to the pool for awhile, then came home and did my requirements and stidied for a certification I want to get for work. Now I'm sitting here enjoying the rain, mostly because I don't have to water the garden.

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Ready for a long weekend

Today I did a 3:15am Amazon shift, then came home and did some requirements, then at work, I managed to finally complete a component that I've been working on for awhile. Just in time to relax for three days. Went to Black Belt class tonight, and plan on going again in the am.

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Crazy Week

It's Thursday, and I've been neglecting my journals. This week has been super busy at work, and Dylan and I are getting used to his new school schedule. Hopefully next week will be smoother. Goint to sparring tonight and then finishing up a few requirements. Looking forward to the weekend.

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Sunday funday

I had a long, very productive mentoring session this am. We made sure we knew everything we have to know for the test. Dylan and I came home and practiced specials, all three kicking defenses, and hopkido. I'm feeling fairly confident about these.  Tomorrow is Dylan's first day of school, so we spent the day relaxing and making sure everything is ready for the big day.

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Halfway there!

Started the day carrying a bunch of cases of water to 3rd floor apartments during my Amazon shift. I feel like this might have been more challenging than my regular requirements. Did my run and physical requirements done before work. I really feel like my kicks have improved, but not consistently yet. Getting ready for rolls and falls followed by black belt class. Looking forward to the second half of the cycle.

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Might be Wednesday

So busy that all of my days are running together. Had a 3:15 Amazon shift this am that I ended up getting free $ for. There were no routes or packages to deliver, but I still got paid. I came home and did some work for my other(real) job until the sun came up. Then I ran my mile, and because it was so cold, I improved my time by 45 seconds. Did the rest of my requirements during the course of the day, and now I'm still working, with no end in sight. Looking forward to bed.

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Is tomorrow really Monday?

For some reason, I feel like I need another day or two this weekend. Got my requirements done early this am. I've been working on side kicks and trying to make them beautiful, and I feel like I had a little breakthrough today, well, yesterday, actually. I'm also feeling a little more confidant with tornado kicks, but they're still definitely not beautiful. I managed to get to the pool for an hour today between a bunch of Whole Foods delivery shifts. It was nice to just lay on my raft and close my eyes for a little while.

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Productive Saturday

I wnet to the black belt class, and helped out in the next class. Got my requirements done in batches today, between going to the farmer's market, going sparkling water shopping- we were getting dangerously low, starting a ferment of peach reapers, apocalypse peppers and bulgarian carrot peppers. Also put a bunch of cucumbers in vinegar, and roasted beets. Trying not to waste any vegetables from the garden this year. They grow faster than we can eat them. I've probably already said this, but I'm really lucky to have my son, Dylan doing this cycle with me. He's wonderful to practice with, and he's very motivating when I sometimes feel like being lazy.

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Made it through a tough week. Work has been busy, and requirements are getting more challenging, but I'm manageing to stay close to caught up. Planning on a mentoring session tonite, folowed by rolls and falls, and then black belt class. 

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Another really good day

Started out with my run, like normal, but left the dogs home so I could run without stopping. Busy work day, I'm actually still working because I'm trying to figure something out, but I've been taking work breaks and doing my requirements. Dylan and I laugh so hard sometimes over silly things when we're practicing together. It makes the time fly by. Time for bed because tomorrow is going to be a crazy busy day. 

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Really good day

Today was a great day. Got an early start, as usual, work was productive, went to the gym at lunch, helped out in a class, and had a mentoring session. Came home and had a Korean inspired dinner, with gochugaru seasoned pork chops, and Dylan's famous gochugaru pickles. Finished off the evening with a long bike ride. Heading to bed and I won't be getting up and eating ice cream in the middle of the night, in case you were wondering.

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Busy day, as most are these days. Ended up in Salisbury for my early Amazon shift, but was home by 7:30. Got my run in before church, then Dylan and I did our requirements during the course of the day, between going to the lego Brick Fest in Charlotte, and doing an escape room in Davidson. I also got a bunch of work done for my regular job today, so hopefully tomorrow won't be so hectic. 

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Week 5!!!

Made it to week 5, that extra minute of requirements feels like 10 extra minutes. Got home from my Amazon shift at 6:20am, so I was able to fit in my run this am. Had a great black belt class and mentoring session afterwards where we worked on staff form. Went to the pool for awhile and Dylan and I just finished requirements and a bike ride. 

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Friday morning

I meant to journal yesterday, but somehow got sidetracked. Yesterday started with a 3:15am Amazon shift in the pouring down hurricane rain. I delivered 36 packages in Matthews to houses with nonexistant or severely inadequate front porches. I had a moment of gratitude for my porch which can keep many packages dry during storms. Got home, did my requirements, got another Whole Foods shift that I was able to fit in before my real job began, also in the pouring down rain. Very treacherous driving conditions yesterday. I witnessed flash flooding, power outages, several downed trees. I had to drive under one which was balanced on the wires above. Made me a little nervous. Anyway, went to the gym at lunch and had a training session. By the time I was finished work, my brain was fried, and my energy was depleted, so I went to bed at an unreasonably early...

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Busy Tuesday

I'm getting used to getting my requirements in between my morning Amazon shift and my regular job. It's becoming like clockwork. I'm definitely noticing an improvement in my push-ups and burpees, pull-ups, not so much. I got in a mentoring and mentee-ing session in tonight in addition to a class. Got home and vacuumed and mopped my whole house, and worked in the garden some. All this rain has wreaked some havoc on my tomato plants, so I had to pull off some dead leaves.

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Busy Saturday

Started the day at 3:45am with an Amazon delivery shift that had me stuck in the deep south (Monroe) and I wasn't able to get back in time for the class this am. I completed my requirements early, thouroughly cleaned the garage, did a bunch more Amazon deliveries, and studied for an exam I have to take for my job. It was a productive day.

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Is it Friday yet?

It's already been a crazy week at work. I'm still keeping up with my requirements. I've been trying to get everything done before work because I seem to be working through all breaks lately. Ice cream is but a distant memory at this point. I wonder if I'll even like it in 10 weeks.

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Still going strong

This week has been super busy with work, so it's been a challenge fitting everything in, but still keeping it manageable. My shins are still hurting, but I got some better running shoes, so hopefully that helps.

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Survived a week without ice cream

Made it through week 1, pretty on track. Have to catch up on jumprope, as I just purchased mine a couple of days ago. Pretest went pretty well. My shins are sore from running, and I'm hoping they get better with time. It's getting easier not to eat in the middle of the night. Creating new, better habits.

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I deserve ice cream

Today, I did my run first thing, then did my requirements during the course of the day in between work meetings and bug fixes. Dylan and I went to the gym at lunch, and then went to the 6:00 class then the sparring class. After the sparring class, I felt that I definitely deserved ice cream, but I didn't get any. I'm feeling pretty confident about my poomsae's and self defenses. Tomorrow I will study.

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Still not eating ice cream

Day four of not eating ice cream in the middle of the night. I had a great mentor/mentee session tonight, and was able to help out a little in class. Keeping up with requirements, with a litle extra emphasis on poomsae's so I can ace the pretest this weekend.

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Still sunny

I had a great mentoring session this am with Courtney. We worked on poom sae's, and will continue on our next session. I also did 20 minutes of poom sae practice at home tonite, in addition to the other requirements. I'm feeling pretty confident about the pre-test this weekend.

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Sunny and beautiful

My first day of cycle was great, sunny and beautiful, starting with black belt class and ending with my workout and daily requirements. I tried to get my run in this afternoon, but decided to wait until it cooled down a bit. Started eating healthier today, including no ice cream, or other sweets in the middle of the night, or anytime, really. Let's see how this goes. This is acually harder for me than the physical requirements. Looking forward to tomorrow when I'm planning to meet up with my mentor. This cycle is really special for me because I'm doing it with my son, Dylan. He asked me to join him in class a few years ao, and after much hesitation, I finally agreed to give it a try. Glad we're on this journey together.

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