
Kayla Bach

Member since: Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Last Visit: Thursday, 20 August 2020
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
Kayla was born on April 28, 2005 to the parents of Matt and Julia Bach

Blog #14

Today I got a lot done and I am happy about that. I got Indian for dinner and chick fil a for lunch so that made me happy. I got a leadership 1 and 2 and a mentee session so that's good. 

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Blog 13

Today has been pretty stressful. I had a lot of homework last night so i went to bed late. And today I have the same amount and I have a test! But I have gotten all caught up on my numbers and I am on track to finish this cycle!

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January 29

I have two tests today which is difficult. Also, I have a math test tomorrow but I am studying very hard for it. I have a mentee session today and I plan on getting leadership 1 and 2. 

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January 28

Today I had a bunch of math due but i turned it all in and i had a soccer workout and it was so hard and im sore

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jan 27

This is my first full  week back at school and i have like 5 tests!but i am ready for all of them and i got a 92 on pysch

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I had to work on a french project it was so hard! I also had a psych test but I think I did pretty good. 

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long weekend

Today is the first day of school after the long weekend and i am so tireddd. Math was boring and i had a test in french, 

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We were supposed to have soccer workouts today but it was 32 degrees and they canceled. But that also means ive been able to complete alot of requirements. 

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Pep rally

This week was spirit week. It was pretty fun. We had a pep rally today which is normally fun but I had a huge headache and I was super tired. but I enjoyed it none the less.

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I had school today, it was long and hard. But I got my glasses fixed and got jersey mikes. 

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Blog number 4

I didn't do a lot today, But I got an 88 on a health quiz which is good. I worked with my mentee and mentor 

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Blog number 3

Today was had a sub in math, she said she was a biology teacher which was weird. I'm finally beginning to understand french and health was cool, I have been tracking my food so that's cool. We had soccer workouts which were fun.

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It’s Sunday, I’m very sore from my soccer workouts. I haven’t done much today. But I helped clean and paint our new mail box. I have to track my food for my health project so I’ve been more conscious of the calories 

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I started soccer workouts for school today. We had to run a mile and it’s was exhausting. But I ran it in 7 min and 22 seconds so I’m proud. All my grades are good and class isn’t as boring. I got my mentee today so that’s good.

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Journal 31

Today has been long, I have done so much. And still I am pushing through, it’s rained a lot so my practices have all been canceled. Schools all good, but I can’t believe it’s already 2nd quarter I mean it feels like it just started. 

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Journal 30

I went to soccer practice today and tomorrow I go to Black Belt Class. I am super ready for the test, but I am also super nervous. I am honestly so proud to do this cycle with such dedicated people. I have losts of homework to do.

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Journal 29

Today has been pretty busy. I did school and I just got all my homework done. Over the weekend I went to my friends house and we went it the pool.

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Journal 28

I can’t believe that the test is this week. I am so ready and excited. It’s crazy that it went by so fast! I am so glad that I got to do it with these amazing black belts and that I got a great mentor that has helped me learn all my dtuff.

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Journal 27

Today was picture day. It was pretty nice, I mean at least it was not raining outside. 

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Journal 26

Today has been pretty relaxing. I feel super ready for the test. I got to study so I was so happy we didn’t have school today. 

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Journal 25

Today was great, well it rained all day but I got my homework done so that was good. Anyway I worked on my written test. We went to the store and it was empty, I mean there was no food! But we got what we needed so that’s all fine. Well the power might cut off so I’ll just leave it at that.

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Journal 24

Today was a sit around and do nothing day. But I finished my excersices which was good. Also hurricane training was fun. It rained a lot so I didn’t go outside much, but I got to spend time with my family which was fun. That’s all.

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Journal 23

This hurricane is causeing so much panic in schools but mine is like “yah there is a hurricane and?” So I have to go to school today and tomorrow so that’s fun. 

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Journal 22

Today had been noneventful. I kinda just finished my homework and then had nothing to do. So I decided to do extra numbers and I did my blog earlier. But other than that I finished a whole book. 

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Journal 21

Today is great we have a three day weekend and I got to watch a movie. Also I got to go to sports connection but it was pretty boring. I need to go eat so Bye.

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Journal 20

Today was very busy. I went to school and had to go straight to tae keon do. I then went to soccer and got home. It took me 20 minutes to do my homework which is about 2 hours less than normally (just  kidding) but now I am super tired so I am going to bed.

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Journal 19

Today has been great so far. I got a full nights rest and school was good,. I  have good grades. Plus soccer was fun. It only rained a little well that’s all I have homework to get done.

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Journal 18

I missed a journal for a few days becuase I have been so busy I have gotten home a passed out in my bed. Wow never knew I could be so busy but I love it I am so happy. Well need to go to sleep I am so tired.

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Journal 17

Today was exciting I went out with my family and we got ice cream. I finished all my homework and requirements plus the rest of my book. All in all very productive. Also so not ready for school tomorrow I have practice and a math test but I am ready

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Journal 16

Today was pretty interesting we had a surprise physical test and I think I did well. But I was So not expecting it.  Any way other than that it was a pretty average day. Well that's all.

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Journal 15

I thought school could not get more boring but 8th grade wow. I get it school teachers need to teach us but I know all this stuff. Anyway I’m complaining today was good and I am ready for next week.

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Journal 14

This week had been super busy. I started school and it’s been a lot with soccer. But I am keeping up with my requirements and I am going to finish this cycle. I am so excited to get my new belt and know I worked for it .

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Journal 13

Today I got a hair cut. We went to atlanta last weekend and it was super fun. I am not ready to go to school tomorrow. I cant beilive summer went bye so fast. Bye

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Journal 12

Today I watched this really cool movie called Raise the bar on netflix. Other than that I went to mexican for my dads friends birthday. But all in all it was pretty boring. I am heading up to Atlanta tomorrow so that is fun. Well got to go.

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Journal 11

Wow the cycle is starting soon. But I am ready plus I know this time I will get through everything. Today we did the last day of band camp and had to preform for our parents but it went really well. Well at least better than I thought it would. Our Knight riders are getting really big we have like 30 now and 4 clarinets which is exciting because it wont be only me. Our drum line is really good but their so loud I cant hear the winds. But now I am just complaining that is all!

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Journal 10

It was raining today Of course. So soccer practice was ended early. But It was fun to meet my new team mates all the same. I finished a whole book this week. I had like nothing to do. Well its time for me to head to bed.

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Journal 9

Today I went to Band. It was pouring like with lightning and thunder and stuff it was so cool. And loud. Well thats all Bye.

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Journal 8

Today has been super long with nothing really to do, But yesterday was long and I had lots to do so i was not really surprised I forgot to do a journal but at least I could today. Well that is all Bye

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Journal 7

So today was long and sad. One of my friends grandmas funeral was today and I went. It was super sad and I feel bad for evie. She loved her grandmother. But as they said we need to find happiness in a time of sadness so that what I am going to do Thats all Bye.

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Journal 6

Summer is going by so fast. I am just so excited to see all my friends but I also dont want to go to school in a little more than two weeks(15 days to be exact) Well thats all

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Journal 5

Today I had another band practice it was so fun. We got to play outside until it started raining then we had to go inside. But at least we got to play Captains coming. The rest if the day was pretty boring except i got to go to my friends house. 

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Journal 4

I have band practice again today. I also had soccer practice this morning and it was fun. We made a pecan pie and it was tasty. I finally posted my videos on the facebook page and i am starting to feel super excited for this cycle. I know we can all make it. Just stick through till the end.

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Journal 3

Today I did my first band camp and I am super excited about the music we are playing. The drum line is so good and one of my best friends is doing it to so I am happy about that. I am glad to get to know people. I met two new people, a girl named haily and a guy named Kyle. Everyone is so nice and I am ready for the hard work. Bye for now!

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Journal two

Half of the day today i was at my friends house after a sleepover. I got to help walk their dogs so that was fun. I got home and did my requirments then i helped my parents put together my sisters bed. I spent some time talking with my other friends then spent the rest of the day reading and listening to music. All in all it was a pretty peaceful day. Plus i am so not ready for school but atleast its in a few weeks. 

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My first blog post

It took forever to get the website to load but now that I have I can enter my numbers. Which I have been doing for the past hours. I have nothing to do today except sleep and read and do my exercises of course! So I am going to go do that have a lovely day.

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I got to go over to me friend Morgans house and spend the night. It was super fun and I enjoyed it. It is Friday tomorrow so we only have 4 days until I have to go back to school I am not ready!

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Easter is tomorrow!

Tomorrow is easter and I am so excited because I get to see my cousins sorry gtg

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Spring break!

This week is going to go by super slow because next week is spring break. today already lasted forever but whatever I just cant wait for Easter because besides Christmas and my birthday it is my favorite holiday I love it.

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MAPS testing.

Today was the last day of MAPS testing I think I did better than last time but I wont know for shore for a few weeks. But still I am GLAD they are over! They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring! bye

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We won!

Yah we won! Today we played charlotte Cristian and we beat them 2-0. We have a home game Thursday so if you want to come it is a lake Norman charter! Come cheer me and my team on! Just kidding you can come if you want but you don't have to. 

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Well, first it was exciting because it SNOWED! But then I realized that meant my soccer practice was canceled :( but it snowed non the less

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Today during black belt class I was doing self defense and I got what is called a "nerve pinch" all I know is it is very painful and I do not like it. but anyway byyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee

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Instructors camp tomorrow!

Well really this week was pretty exciting. First I tried out for my school soccer, team and made it. Then I learned that I get to leave at like 11:30 to go to instructors camp. This time is my first so I am pretty nervous and have no idea what to expect. Bye!! (i know i have not done a journal in a long time... jeeya!) 

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Boring school day!!!!

Today, is my first full week back and (and my first blog in almost 2 weeks) and today was very long and VERY boring i got to see my friends but even they cant make school any better but hey atleast you don't need as much smarts for video games right bye yeah i know very boring blog   

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E-learning day!

Today I finished the week off with an e-learning day. It was super boring and never seemed to end and then it was over and with it the school week. Then i went to black belt and i got lots of credits and ti was super fun. Then we went out to eat. Also was today like national birthday day everyone seemed to have a birthday on that one day. Enjoy the rest of your day byeeeeeee!

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Day off

Today we had the day off. one of my friends came over. We had fun. Tomorrow we have an E-learning day, which means i have school half the day on my ipad and get the rest off. which is better than having to make up a day so yeah ENJOY YOUR DAY OFF!

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Today was a snow day, it went great. Me and my family went sledding, my and Alex built a house and snow family. We had a snowball fight with some boys in our neighborhood and it was awesome. 

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Black belt and Sparring

Today I went to black belt and sparring, we did all of our self-defense

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normal day

Toda was pretty normal, except we had NO WIFI! I know I barely survived its fine I am fine. Sooooo other than that today was fine.

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first full week!

Today is the first full week of 2018! This is exciting because new year new you right? Make sure to follow through on your resolutions. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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Grandmas house

Today I went to my grandmas house. While there I saw my uncle and we went to a pizza inn. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. just like you enjoyed reading this (;

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Last Day Of School

Today was the last day of school this week. Nothing really happened today so I have nothing to report.

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Second day back from winter break

Today was my second day back from break. I saw my friends for the first time in weeks and I got to start gym. This week is been hard since I am used to going to bed at 10 P.M. and waking up at 1 P.M. it has been very tiring and fun to restart the cycle and get back into my habits.

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Happy New Year!

On new years eve I went to a sick party with my best friends Allie and Lauren. Today I went to starbucks and had waffle house for breakfast it was a great start to a new year!

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Last day

Today is the day to finish everything up! Tomorrow is my birthday and also the day of overnight testing 

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almost to the finish line

OMG i cant believe how much work have to complete to get this challenge done!  But i am going to make it !

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Finishing up

I'm finally finishing up all my stuff and all i need is some jump rope and meditation and i will be done!!!!

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Leadership project

Today I did a leadership project for school and finally finished it. I am Finnishig all of my exsesices so I am ready for they test this Friday aka my birthday and am ready for that pain filled day

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today we went and got steak burgers at Freddy's and it was delicious.

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Easter Sunday

I am never going to outgrow Easter and today we did what we normally do and went to our grandmas house and did an Easter egg hunt. It was fun and I got to do it with my little sister Alex. 

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Today I get back in the swing of things. I went to Atlanta for 3 days and then came back and went to a sleepover but now it need to work my butt  to get caught up after missing 3 days 

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Test scores

today we got out test scores for the written test and i got a 105/105 yeah! Me and one other bo cha don got the highest test scores and i am super duper excited yah

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todya we got Buffalo Wild Wings and it was good. I had a whole bunch of tests not so good but I did good one them. Okay was pretty good

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Today is movie day

today i watched a movie and it was called hidden figures and for lunch i got chick-fil-a and it was really good  

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today i started fourth quarter and started french after a 4 day weekend and i enjoy my french class even though i know no french i like the teacher. she is nice

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Mute day

Today i was mute it was really hard since i went to y grandmas house and my parents keep like saying stuff and talking to me to try to make me talk. And i could not say the things i wanted to so yeah.

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Was today a good day or what

today was not a good day. Today was a great day i was in a 5K race and finished 107 out of like 400 or something and i did it without stopping so i am proud so in all i got a blackbelt weekend, sparring class, 4.1 miles, lots of pomsaes, and i watched.  A movie it was all in all an awsome day.

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 Today we did sparing and it was really fun becase i got to spar another person other than the normal because of the height i am there is only one person who is the same belt as me and the same height and so i was really excited we also worked on kicks and i enjoyed it.        

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Today was blackbelt and we worked on our 1-20 spparring combinations and it was really good because i got practice and kicks thumbs up.

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Soccer tournament

today we had our third soccer game in the tormament sadly we lost in over time. But aleast i had a lot of fun and spent a lot of time with my team. In the end it was not a waste of time. 

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today is social studies we were studying Ancient Rome and ironically we had pizza after for dinner. We went to my favorite pizzeria and got some gelato and my sis got a necklace and a plus toy. 

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Today i did black belt class I GOT MY !

today i did black belt class and did every pomsae and self defenses in the color belt section. Which means that i have finished all of my weekly blackbelts! I am also to the point where i have only 1 more leadership two and three more leadership ones. I cant believe the cycle is almost over it feels like just yesterday i was in Saturday class getting my book. I hope i pass the pre-test and get my first pum but any way to today was really good!

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Black belt

today is Tuesday so I went to tae kwon do and did black belt class it was cool we did almost everything up to green belt and did some new stretches. It was kinda cool.

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Friendly soccer game

today me and my team had a soccer game (a friendly in technical terms) to prepare for our soccer games next weekend and we won like 8-0. I was goaly and did not get scored on but i did not score a goal but we won!

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Best freind came over!!!!!!!!!!!

so today i went to soccer after going to blackbelt and saw my friend she then asked her mom and my dad if she could come over. Her mom and my dad said yes so i got to spend almost 3 hours with her  we played hide and seek and played in my backyard soon after her arival my other friend came over and he played with us. It was so much fun!!

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Uniform oops

Today started good then went down hill. I first went to school and forgot my glasses in my locker so i could not see the bored. Then at the end of the day i went to after school and forgot my uniform at school and could not do my after school class. Luckily i have "super mom"(her words not mine) and she went and got them. 

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today for my new skill i learned how o do origami and mastered making a butterfly so I did a good job today.

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Today was productive

Today was very productive i did soccer practice and saw all my buddies on my team. I also did lots of running. I got caught up in push-ups sit-ups pomsas and self defenses. I got a lot done 

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Today was pretty busy

today i had a half day at school and then i got a shot at the doctors. I then went to the tae kwon do parents night out where i watched secrecy life of pets mode forts and had ???? pizza.

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Today is good day

so first I woke up and got changed into my uniform then I went of and did 2 hours of training in black belt and sparring. After that we went to my sisters practice where I got a chance to two two miles and practice my pomsas yeah.  

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