
Jayson Ewell

Member since: Friday, 26 July 2013
Last Visit: Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Jayson Ewell
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today, I was focusing on catching up on miles.  I did 7 miles!  And I did extra basic kicks. It was a long tiring process, but I made it.  My legs are sore, but it was worth it!!

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Jayson Day 29

Today was super busy.  First the demo at the park.   That was kind of cool, but it went really fast.  Then, some physical requirements, then the black belt class.  Taking class with one handtied up was crazy, and kind of confusing.   Then homework, then more physicals.   Tired!!!

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Today I took the black belt class at lake Norman.  I got help with staff form 2.  One less thing for me to worry about.  The cycle is almost over, and still so much to do.  Tomorrow is the demo at freedom park.

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Today I helped with Wang ho class. I helped the white belts with their hwa rang poomsae.  I wanted to see what they would do if I TKD them through the moves.  It was interesting. In the end they knew the poomsae pretty well.   Also had a mentor session with Master Mitchell. We went over hopkido thru # 4.  Still have a ways to go.  

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Today, I helped with Wang ho class. I got to help a lot of my friends from summer camp, and made some new friends too. It's always interesting to see howpeople react to certain situations, and how the learn.  Had lots of homework too.  Bern up since 6:15 am to do physical requirements.  Tired.  

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Jay Ewell

Now I am focusing on my v sit ups more vigorously for the test.  I'm doing leg raisesa long with the sit ups to get prepared, and help with that.  The goal is for it to get easier each day betweenknow and then.  Need to focus on trying to do pull ups too.

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Today's school class schedule was all messed up because of map testing.  The cycle is starting to get annoying.  I now am doing extra jump rope and basic kicks and burpees.   Done with sparring rounds.   I'll be over when this is over, and I've got my new belt!

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Today I had a computer class, so I didn't make black belt class.  I did get to sparring class, an have amentoring session with Master Mitchell.  I also finished my mission statement essay.  I didn't get to run today, and I'll have to pay for that tomorrow.   

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Today I had black belt class at Lake Norman.  I learned Wang Ho 2, and 1st Dan self defense.  Now I know what I've been doing wrong and what I need to do.  I need to stop bending my back leg on a front stance.  Tomorrow I have computer class, then sparring class.  Had tutoring early this morningbefore school, so I couldn't finish all my physical requirements.  Came home and startedmission essay.  

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Had projects for school to do, so I'll need to go to black belt class in lake Norman tomorrow.  Did my homework and some extra physicals.   My push ups are definitely getting easier.  The cycle is not easy, trying to find time to get it all done.

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Jayson Day 49

Today, I helped out with Wang ho class.   I really love helping out with classes.  I like helping people.  Took dream team too.  We focused on kicks.  That was cool too.  Lots of physicals and homework. No free time today.  I'm tired!

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Jayson day48

Woke uP early. Did physical requirements.   Went to school. Did homework.  Then worked on my empathy essay.  The essay was easier to write than last year.   Putting your arm in a sling is a lot harder than being mute, so I had more to write about.  I found out having only one arm is really hard.  

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Jayson Day 47?

today I doubled up on sit ups and push ups.  They are definitely getting easier for me.  I am excited about the extra class credit I got from the no electronics challenge last week.  Thanks Master Evins!

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Jayson Ewell day 16

Today was my day of empathy.  My arm in a sling and a sock on my hand for 12 whole hours.  It was hard!  Way harder Han I thought.There were so many things I couldn't do.   I couldn't even hold a fork to eat.  I couldn't use a computer mouse.  It was fun for a while figuring out how to work around it, but not for long.   Grateful for being healthy!

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Jayson Day 45

Today was a big day.  I got up early and helped with little tigers class.  It's always interesting to see how the little kids react to certain situations.  Them, black belt class.  We practiced rolling, falling andkicks.  Then sparring class.  I did pretty well.  Worked up a real sweat.  Master Kim called me achampion!

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Jayson Day 44

Today is the last day with no electronics!!!  I am so glad.  I really didn't have any free time anyway.  Too much homework and still trying to keep up with my physical requirements.  Now the weekend is coming.  I'll be able to make up my physicals, take class, get mentor session in and do a project due Monday.

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Jayson day43

  Today I helped the color belt class.  I've decided I like teaching little tigers more than the bigger kids.  The bigger kids like to claim they are better than me just because they might be bigger than me or whatever.  Then I had black belt class.  We went over bolo and knife forms 1 & 2.  I need to break the habit of exitingmy front stance when doing that form.  

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Jayson Day 31

Today, just like yesterday, was relentless.   I had to do a lot of homework. I also had sparring class.    Now I have to start making up physical requirements I'm behind on.  However this is one of the many hardships of the challenge.  Finding time to get it all done is hard.  The cycle is starting to get harder and harder.  I'devoting to try to develope a better plan to get through it all.  

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Jayson Day 10

Today, after school Iaren't through a mountain of homework.  I did half of my physical requirements this morning.  But doing the other halfafter doing all thathomework is really hard.  I knew this would happen after school started.  I plan to keep going.  I have to push through any onslaught of trouble until I reach my goal!

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Jayson Day 9

Today was a day of pure work.  No fun.  First I had church, which ended late.  Then homework.  Then me and dad went running.  I did 3.5 miles.  Then, physical requirements.  My arms are really sore.  

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Jayson Day 38

Today first I helped out with little tigers class.  I learned about a stripe that only they get.  It's called a teamwork stripe.  Then, I had fun going to black belt and sparring class.  That might just be the most I've sweated ever!

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Jayson day 37

Today I went to the black belt class at lakeNorman for the first time.  I found it o be fun and really helpful.  The class was much smaller so master Hartle was able to help us all individually.  I might start going there on Fridays if I can't make Thursdays classes, depending on my homework.   I wasn't happy to hear about the "no electronics" challenge for next week, but my mom was thrilled!

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Jayson day 36

Today I had so much homework due tomorrow, couldn't go to black belt lass tonite.  My mom is going to take me to the Lake Norman school tomorrow for black belt class there instead.  I already have projects due and homework is really getting to be a lot, so I have to make sure to use time wisely.  I am also starting to notice my push ups getting easier.  This training is starting to pay off!

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Jayson day 35

Today after school I had homework.   I kind of rushed thru it because I had to go to dream team class.  That was kind of fun because we worked on rolls.  Then I had a mentor session with master Mitchell.  That was good.  We worked on Wang ho 2.  

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Today I had to double up on some of my requirements because I didn't do so good yesterday.   It wasn't worth taking a day off!  I had a bunch of homework this weekend too.  The homework is due Friday, but I have TKD class tues, wed, and Thursdaynight, so my mom made me finish mostly all of it this weekend. I had very little free time.  

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Jayson Day 31

Today I helped out with little tigers class.  It was interesting.  I saw how the kids react to situations.  I did requirements between classes.  Then I went to black belt class.  There was no sparring class today.  I had to wait for my mom to pick me up.  In the mean time, I hung out with Master Knight and Master Mitchell.  It was fun!  I got extra physicals in too.

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Jayson Day 30

Today they gave out a fundraiser at school.  I don't think I'll be able to participate this year because it runs the same time as the cycle.  That's a risk I'm willing to take.  Already raised funds for the hospital.  I was able to do more physicals than normal today.  I'll be using the three day weekend to catch up on the stuff I'm behind on. 

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Jayson Day 29

School again today.  At TKD, I was able to help out with the colored belt class.  I did have fun helping with the younger kids.  I had a session with my mentor too.  He helped me work on some stuff.  I had to retake my written test too, this time I passed. No fun. Then, black belt class.  Myfavorite part was the self defense.  

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Jayson day 28

Today at school we had assembly.  They wanted to go over all the rules and regulations, violations and punishments. It's the same presentation we see every quarter. Pretty boring stuff.  I didn't pay attention really.  I went to dream team class today, I was really looking forward tothat.  We practicedrolling and falling.  It was a lot of fun.

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Jayson Day 27

Second day of school.  Today was better than yesterday.  Got up early and did my requirements. After school I went to lake Norman school to take sparring class.   It was really different than class at my school.  I did get to spar with the instructor.  I sparred a camo belt and a high white belt that really wanted to spar with me.  Came home and finished my requirements.  Off to bed!

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Jayson Day 26

Today was the first day of school.  I met all my teachers and saw all my old friends.  That was good.  I did a mile during healthy kids, and another 2 with my dad after school.  I want to run more so I can complete my test without getting too tired. Now that school has started, I don't want to get overwhelmed.  Mom says I have to start going to sparring on Tuesday's.  Dream Team on Wednesday, and black belt class onThursday.   I already have homework!

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Jayson Day 25

Last night I finished my book.  I read Skill With People.  I wrote the essay on it today.  The book teaches you how to better communicate with people.  I don't have any free time anymore.  No more free time, and it will get worse.  School starts tomorrow!  Darn it!

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Jayson Day 24

Today was the pre-test!  I was excited.   I did decent, but not as good as I wanted.  I finished my run just under time.  I didn't pass the written test!   I have to retake it.   I studied, so that was disappointing.  Today I found out what I need to work on.  

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Jayson day 23

Today, at summer camp, we had an electronics day.  However I didn't use all of it for electronics.  I had to do some push ups, sit ups etc.  also I helped out with the 6:15 testing for leadership 1 requirements.  it was interesting to see something I had not seen in a long time.  it seems so different to me now than black belt testing. 

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jayson day 22

today at summer camp, we had kona ice (snow cones) they were pretty good. I mixed watermelon and grape flavors.  I actually got some free time before going to bed today and got to do some extra requirements.  today I also learned my new skill.  my mom taught me how to file a tax return!  I filled out my own 1040 ez form.  I used a sample w2 form to fill it out.  it was really interesting.  I plan on doing the essay this weekend. 

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Jayson Day 21

Today at summer camp, we watched a movie called horrid Henry.  The movie was not as good as I thought itwould be.  I did most of my requirements today.  Went to dream team class, we worked on rolling and cartwheels.  I found out I need to work on my cartwheels.  It was fun though.   I was looking forward to dreamteam class today.   

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jayson day 20

today at summer camp we went to the spray grounds.  I don't really like the spray grounds, it's not too much fun for me.  I got a leadership& mentee credit during camp.  I changed up my workout a bit, I do my basic kicks, poomsaes & self defenses in the morning, and my push ups sit ups & burpees etc at night.  that is working much better for me.

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Day 19- Jayson

Today at summer camp, I was expecting to go to the library.  Instead, we went to a bowling alley.  I had a fun time losing. I forgot my mentee credit.  But I did get my leadership 2 credit done.  The mentee that I was supposed to have came back, so I need to make up my credits tomorrow, and for the rest of summer camp. 

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Jayson Day 18

Today is Sunday, so I went to church.  The lesson was on godly parenting.  Pastor said he teaches the parents godly ways so they can raise the children.  We came home, I had lunch and finished my white belt essay. Me and dad went running.  2 miles today.  For some odd reason it was harder than I thought it would be.  Then I did my physical requirements.   

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jaysn day 17

Last night, my friend came over and had to spend the night.  after he left today, I did my requirements.  I had to go to grandma's, after, because both of my parents had somewhere to go today..  My goal for tomorrow is to finish my white belt essay and catch up on my sparring rounds.

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Jayson Day 16

Today I did my sparring rounds & jump ropes in the morning instead of at night.  That worked ok.  Today at summer camp we played a giant game of hide * seek with no lights.  the seekers used light sabors to find us.  Of course some one screwed it up, but it was still really cool. 

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Jayson Day 14

Today was almost the same as yesterday. Only today I took black belt class.  I did some requirements during summer camp.  I also helped out in color belt class to get leadership credits.  I was excited to teach the smaller kids.  

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Jayson Day 14!

Today was pretty much the same as yesterday.  I attended summer camp, spent today again as a white belt.  Two more days to go.  I also got some leadership credits in.  I did a dream team class today.  it was really better than I thought it would be!

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Jayson day 13

today, I was supposed to go to the spraygrounds with summer camp.   Instead I used the time to get in a mile walking.   That was ok by me, I'm not crazy about the spray grounds.  I was able to get both leadership one and two credits during camp, and a mentee session!  I'm also still doing my white belt challenge.  I'm going to try to start that essay soon.  

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Jayson day 12

This week is a week of three things.   White belt challenge, leadership credits and mentee sessions.  The white belt challenge and leadership cresdits were easy.  The mentee session not so much.  The person I was supposed to mentor was not there today.  He won't be in class for the rest of the week either, so I had to find some one else to mentor.  Luckily, I found someone else.  She agreed to let me mentor her for the rest of the week.  

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Jayson Day 11

Today I went to church and saw my friend max.  I wanted to have him over but I had homework to do.   I spent today working on my essay on the non living hero.  I chose to write about rosa parks.  Ran/walked three miles at Mallard creek.  This is a tiring process, but it's worth it!

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Jayson Day 10

Today was the last black belt camp.  I learned  the staff self defense. However it does not count for anything yet.   It was an interesting form.  It is easier to attack than it is to defend. I also reviewed a lot of colored belt stuff.  

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Jayson day 9

today i got back from vacation.  i have started training for my mile.  in a couple weeks i'll be able to do a mile and a half.  

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Jayson Day 4

Today I started my vacation.   But I can't stop.  I still have to do the requirements for my cycle!!  

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Jayson, Day 3

Today I had a yard sale in order to raise the money that will go to the Levine Children's Hospital.  I exceeded my goal, and all the money is going to the hospital!

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