
Jakob Reische

Member since: Saturday, 25 June 2016
Last Visit: Monday, 10 April 2017
Jakob Reische
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today was the start of the slower week since many students are on break. But I am prepared to deal with the slower classes.

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It was a normal day I stayed home and relaxed. 

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Man today was excellent I had so much fun! I got to enjoy the campus and meet all sorts of new people. I am even more ready to go to college than before. 

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I'm going to visit Greensboro tomorrow I am really excited as I am going with a couple of friends. We are going to have such a good time.

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Spring break starts tomorrow no 5:30 wake up times for nine days!

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I have been working hard to finish school strong as it is my last quarter and I only have less than 45 days later. I got my cap and gown today so I an ready for graduation... only a couple more months.

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I am almost finished with my essay and I am glad that I have almost finished my essays and I will be able to refocus on my other projects in my AP Economics class.

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The last few days I have been so busy I have been working on essays and multiple projects for school and I am trying so hard to keep up with everything. So I am continuing to work on my essays and the test coming up. 

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The last day of March is today, we now roll into April the last month of cycle and only 28 more days left until the overnight exam. I am ready to continue training and bring 110% to the exam.

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Today was pretty nice I had a nice uneventful day at school and have the day off tomorrow, I will spend that time working on essays. 

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Today the weather was really nice... outside at least, at school every single classroom felt like a sauna and honestly the school day couldn't end fast enough. But afterwards I got to enjoy the nice drive outside and had lunch with my mom outside as well. I really enjoyed spending time with her as there isn't much more time for the two of us to get lunch together. 

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Warm Days

As the days get warmer and warmer I feel even better as I can actually enjoy being outside and walking to classes around campus. Nothing makes me feel happier than driving around town with my windows rolled down, listening to music, and wearing my sunglasses. I really enjoy this time of year for that feeling. 

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I am ready for the new week and even though it is midterm week I am prepared and ready. Seems like it is one test after another but hey no reason to fret and worry. 

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As my requirements are running down I can see my journey coming to an end I am ready to take that next step and feel the enjoyment of fulfilling this life long dream. 

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Today we finished the written and physical portion of the exam and I am glad that it is over and that I finished strong and can focus on the other portions of the test.

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Today was senior skip day so I got to get some extra sleep and prepare for the written test and work on some of my essays. I am ready for tomorrow and I can't wait to finish part of the test. 

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Worked on my statistics project today, so far my results have been different than expected and people haven't been understanding the question is about. I have almost 100 answers have one more group to do and then I will have finished the first part. 

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I am starting to work on a project that will force me to talk to people who I don't know I am looking forward to it!

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As my requirements start to wind to the finish I am feeling a great sense of pride and relief to know that I have almost finished. I am feeling great as I am almost finishing this cycle and have 49 days of school left. But once after the cycle is over I have my AP Exams. Looking on the horizon and seeing the finish to so many things makes me step back and really think about all of the things that I have experienced over the past year. 

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I have been recollecting a lot recently of the impending end of a very long chapter of my life, which is public education. I have realized that there is only about fifty something days of my senior year. I am ready to check this off and move onto the next part of my life. 

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I am feeling better my knee has started to feel better since I started taking my medication. Requirements have started getting easier and easier since I started taking them. 

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Worked with a group of students today and it made me think of ways to hep improve my teaching methods. I am trying to make my teaching style more effective and help the students more than I could in the past. 

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Doctor Visit

Went to the orthopedic doctor today, unfortunately got semi bad news I have a contusion in my left knee and am suffering from a problem when my knees are having trouble supporting itself. So I have to take anti-inflammatory for a month and do physical therapy for a month. But the good news is that I can still train and test just another little thing to overcome but I am ready to handle it.  

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Had an interesting class discussion in my business management class, made me start to think about college and the many reasons I want to go. On continuing the discussion for tomorrow I have thought about what I wanted to say. Looking forward to asserting myself on that tomorrow. 

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It snowed today unfortunately it came and went very quickly, but that is okay. I will take that as a sign that things can change very quickly and that you need to slow down and enjoy what is happening right now.

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Today I helped teach out junior instructors camp and it was a great time, I was very honored to work with the future instructors of our dojang.

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My left knee has been hurting pretty bad lately... hope that it gets better soon and that it does not effect the cycle at all.

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Today was pretty uneventful, I have to work on a group project in AP psych for the next couple of classes. Seems like I was put in charge of the group, I don't mind and honestly I am glad I was put in charge so I can feel like I am more in control of the assignment.

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Today was a pretty good day, but I did learn a lesson to ignore what other people say about me. 

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I learned how to make a cover letter in business management today and it made me think about the future and whom I may want to send the letter too... made me smile and get excited for what the future holds. 

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Really enjoying working at the dojang more and more every single day... really going to miss it when I leave for college in the fall. But there is no reason to dwell on the negative but enjoy the positive. 

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Today I spent a lot of time around my friends, really needed it haven't been able to spend time with some of these guys in a while and it was very refreshing to see them again. Friendship is something that I am so grateful for. 

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Today I had tests all day and I was a little nervous even though I studied. I am continuing to improve my studying habits to feel more comfortable at the end of the day. 

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At the dojang today I worked with kids who are a little more troublesome and it was very tough but I enjoyed it as really stretched my skills on an instructor. I am ready to start working on helping those kids improve and make their class time more successful for them. 

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Last day of February

I tested for kids for their new belts today at the dojang and I enjoy it every time but I feel like I could improve more on my testing lay out to make it more fun for the student and the parent watching. Makes me feel great whenever a student breaks their board and earn their belt. 

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Young Leadership

At the dojang today we had some of our teenage students helping out in class today, and they did a good job helping. But I want to figure out ways to help them grow in their teaching and newer ways to help on the mat something for me to contemplate.

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I had my friends of over ten years came over tonight and it always amazes me even though we don't see each other very often we always act like we saw each other yesterday. 

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Officially on the website

I am finally on the website had some trouble logging my requirements on but I have been working hard for a while now and I am ready to get my masters! I have been really excited to finish my cycle!

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Today was pretty normal I went to school and worked on some assignments. After school I helped my mom get some dog food and got some lunch at Cabo (a Mexican restaurant). After that I went to work and taught classes then I came home and had dinner. 

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Today was a pretty relaxing day I just stayed home and worked on a little homework and hooked up my PS2 and played that for a while. After that my family and I watched the season seven premier of The Walking Dead and with no spoilers said it was a good but sad episode for sure. If you watch the show and haven't seen the episode yet, please hurry this will be a huge topic of conversation until next weekend. 

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Good Day

Today was a pretty good day I went to the ear doctor and my ear health has been improving drastically and after almost eighteen years of ear problems it is a relief to hear that I am outgrowing this. Afterwards I presented an economics and I got an A and everyone loves As. After that I got home and relaxed before work. Then I got dinner with a friend of mine who is back in town from college for fall break. Overall a great day!

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Help Day

Today I didn't have to go to school as it as a PSAT test day and as a senior I didn't have to take the test so I got to stay home today. But I wasn't home much I was mostly driving my Mom  around, whom is in a cast due to foot surgery. I drove her to the grocery and Costco and then we got lunch. After lunch I went home and turned around to go to work. Now I am going to sleep and be prepared for school tomorrow. 

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Today was a good day, I worked all morning on homework and college essays. After that I watched the Panthers' game with my Dad and I enjoyed it up until we lost but its okay we will and can bounce back. After I had a couple of friends come over and work on a test together. Now I am working on a class plan and getting ready to relax for the day.

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Half Days

Man I love half days I get to get home even earlier than usual! I have enough credits so I get to leave a whole hour and a half early most days which is amazing. So today I got home at 10:30 so I worked on my college application some more and worked on a project and it was lovely. I wish all days could be this nice and short but then I wouldn't appreciate it as much. I'll take it whenever I can though!

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College Time

I didn't have school today so I spent the time to apply to some colleges I finished an entire application today and started another one I will be glad when this is done. While the process is not fun I do enjoy the thought of going to my top pick so I am excited to know if I am accepted in a couple of months!

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Today I had to take a psychology test and I was frustrated for even though I studied for hours to prepare for this test I still didn't feel confident going in. I was nervous and I wish that I studied even more as it would have made me feel better and not as nervous. After that though it was a very calm day and that's what I wanted after that frustration. 

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This weekend I was out of town and had no access to a computer and was working really hard to do what had to be done and go around DC all day. After that I've had three projects to work on and I am very stressed on trying to get everything done before tomorrow. Most is done but not all.

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Regular Wednesday

Today was pretty uneventful I had normal classes all day and worked on some projects today. Afterwards I went to work and taught classes tonight. I came home ate dinner and studied for my Economics test tomorrow. Then my parents and I watched Survivor. I am really excited for my DC trip coming up on Friday.

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Today was an uninteresting day I went to school and took a lot of notes and had a pop quiz in statistics. After school I came home and worked on some requirements and ate lunch. After that I went to work and it was interesting since it was picture day. I am exhausted and need sleep.

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September 24th

Today I went to North Charlotte for black belt class and had a great time taking class. Also I went to festival in the park with some friends and had a great time.

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Bad Days

As I write this journal I am watching the coverage of the riots in Uptown Charlotte and I am very sad while watching this its tough to watch a city you care about spiral into violence, anger, and hate. I hope everyone will be okay this is heartbreaking and I hope no one else gets hurt. My thoughts go with the families of the people who have passed. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. My day was okay but my mind  and heart is with my city and the people in it.

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Today was a fun day it was fun because it was uneventful everything was the same as usual and that is never a bad thing to me. School went by without a hitch and I am glad that it did as sometimes it takes a while. Work went by super fast and I was sad that it did. But I am glad today was normal as Monday was a little more crazy.

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Family Day

Today my family came down to my house and watched the Panthers game at my house and it was a blast! Not only did the Panthers get a win but I got to spend time with my family and eat a lot of good food. My mom and dad are going to watch 'Fear the Walking Dead' with me and I am super excited. With all that good stuff there is one down side I think I sprained my wrist this weekend but it won't stop me form getting done what I need to get done.

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Today I went to black belt class and worked on homework for the rest of the day it was a busy day and uneventful but I don't mind that at times.  

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September 15th

Today I had an AP Statistics test and a project due for that class the  test was harder than I anticipated but I am excited for the weekend. I am ready to finish this week off and see my family for the Panthers game I am ready to have a blast this weekend. I also didn't fall asleep on the couch tonight so that is always a plus too.

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Today I had a test in AP Psychology and I spent all night studying for it and before I could even get on the website I fell asleep with my notebook in my lap. I have been really tired the last couple of nights and I have one more test tomorrow and a project due tomorrow as well.

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September 11th

Today I woke up early and went on a long walk with my dad and my dogs my dog Stella was a pain and the dog my Dad was walking Tybee was really well behaved. After I went to the Greek Festival with my friends and the festival itself was okay what was really fun was being with my friends. Right now I am watching TV with my parents and I always enjoy my time with them since next year we won't be able to do this often.

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Today I took my ACT took the Act again and I am happy to be done again and afterwards and someone got me sick and I feel awful. Tomorrow I have to go the Greek Festival so I hope I feel better.

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Last two days

Yesterday I didn't write a journal entry I got a little caught up with the panthers game and I actually didn't get to go to bed until around 12:05 and with a 5:20 wake up time I wouldn't recommend it as I am exhausted at the moment. But today I worked with both Master Moon and Instructor Hsin for over an hour today and I was aloud to count those sessions for multiple times. After that I went to my high school foot ball game with some friends and I had a great time! Unfortunately I am having to miss the PMAA seminar tomorrow due to having to take the ACT tmorrow morning into the afternoon and I can;t make the sessions which is bums me out. But this is for my education future and when it is done I will be glad.

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Today besides going to school today I went to work and my English teacher actually came in with his daughter to sign up today and I was really happy to see him since I enjoy his class and his teaching process. My mom just went of town to see her mother today so it is father and son time until Sunday and I am really excited. and PANTHERS FIRST REGULAR SEASON GAME IS TOMORROW AND I AM PUMPED! KEEP POUNDING!

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Normal Day

Today was the start of my real schedule for the foreseeable future and it is a lot of work but I can deal with it happily so I will continue to work hard on cycle and in school so I can graduate. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

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Labor Day

Today was pretty uneventful just the way I like it I worked on requirements today and homework and then I played some games with my friends online. Tomorrow my days will be busy again. Not as much as I like but I appreciate these days more because of it. 

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Today I went on a longer run since it is nicer out and it seems everyone and their mother where walking their dogs today so I got all the pup love today. Afterwards my friends came over for a while and we played video games and had a great time. I just got back from dinner with my family so it has been a great day!

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Today my sister came home from college and will be staying with us for the next couple of days and I was excited to see her. Also today was great since the weather was so nice I got to enjoy spending a lot of time outside and I had a great time doing that!

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Hectic Days

Over the last few days it has been the beginning of the end I started my last year of high school and I am very ready to graduate and go to college. I just have this year and I am done. Also we moved into our new dojang yesterday and we have the kids coming back from summer and it has been great to see them again! I am excited to see what this year has left to show.

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Last Day of Freedom...

Today was my last day before I have to finish my last year of high school and I'm excited to go to school and finish it but I don't want to wake up at 5:30. I had a nice relaxing day I played some video games with my friends online and my family went to Cowfish for my Dad's birthday dinner and it was delicious. Later we are going to watch Fear the Walking Dead and then I am going to bed early so I can get extra sleep.

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Today I woke up early so I could finish all of my requirements early in the day so this afternoon I was free to help finish moving in to our new location. Last night was our last night at the Cornwall center so no more temporary space Monday we start at our new location. I am really excited to go to the new location and have all of our kids come back from the Summer! Besides that my Dad and are I going to watch the Panthers preseason game against the Patriots tonight.

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Today I went to the new dojang location and cleaned up and the dojang is coming along nicely I am excited to start working there next week. Afterwards I went dog sitting and went to work I'm going to miss these summer days of requirements and work.

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August 23rd

Today I worked on requirements all morning and then I went to the ear doctor. Today I heard news I never thought I would hear my ears are actually good and I never thought I would hear that in my life!After the ear doctor my mom and I got lunch and had a nice discussion about college and how the cycle was going. Afterwards I went to work at the dojang and afterwards hung out with friends it was a good day!

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The last couple of days were really crazy. I had family down on Friday and Saturday which caused me to have trouble logging on... But know everything has calmed down and I am keeping on with my schedule and moving forward to the next school year...

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Today I was able to see my schedule for my final year of high school and like the past four years the schedule was all messed up. I was honestly not surprised that they messed it up... The problem is I asked for early release which is when you get to leave after third block and I did not get it so I am trying to fix it I have emailed my counselor and am waiting from a response. Besides the bad schedule I hung out with friends and we played cards against humanity tonight and I worked on requirements. 

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My Day

Today I worked summer camp in the morning and while it was a hard day I always enjoy working summer camps. After that I came home and worked on requirements and watched the taekwondo on the Olympics.

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Pre School

Today I had to go to school to get my parking spot for senior year and I had to wait four hours to get my spot! I was there early and still had to wait I was so mad. Talking about it frustrates me that took up all of my day.

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Today was good and productive day I was very busy I was at the dojang for a good part of the day I worked summer camp all morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon and later I went back for black belt class. Even though it wasn't the most exciting day I enjoyed it none the less. 

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Grandma's Funeral

Today was my Grandma's funeral and while it was very emotional for me and my family it was beautiful at the same time. Every person at the funeral had such nice things to say about her and when I say every person there was at least 200 people attending the service. I will miss her dearly but I am glad to know that so many people love her and will keep her in their thoughts and hearts for the rest of their lives.

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Today was a fantastic day I started another dog sitting job today and will continue it until late tomorrow evening I always enjoy these jobs as it is relaxing and fun to be around dogs besides my own. Besides that I got to hang out with a group of friends late today and we had a blast like usual. You would think after ten plus years of friendship you may get sick of each other or move apart but not for us. These four guys (while the three are actual family(they are triplets)) are the brothers I never had.

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Today was the first full day my sister was gone from the house since she went off to App State. I can say that the house is really quiet in the house but in a good way. We have no person sleeping on the couch all day and everyone is productive around the house. I love my sister but this good for all of us.

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Not a fun couple of days

I have been silent for a few days as I am still mentally recovering... My grandmother passed away on Sunday, she was always a positive force in my life she always supported me no matter what and she came to almost all of my testings throughout my taekwondo career she always came to black belt testings. I will never forget watching her slip away right in front of me, as one of the only times she was lucid she pointed at me and brought me in closer and she tried to say something but I couldn't understand what it was. I will always love her... I hereby dedicate my cycle to not just myself but to my grandma as I know she wanted to be there to see me test.

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Today was a good day I worked really hard for both sparring class and black belt class a ton of sweat was shed and I learned a lot as well. After class I had to dog sit for a couple of times before dinner. After dinner I hung out with some friends. I am exhausted.

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Today is a good day for me I get to hang out with some friends of mine who I've known since I've started taekwondo so I have known these guys for ten plus years and I have always enjoyed and loved their company. They have always been a force of good in my life and I am excited to see them again today.

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Busy Days

Over the last few days since I got back my life has really picked up for the better. Besides just doing my daily requirements which I am finding to become part of my daily routine just like brushing my teeth and getting out of bed. I have been reading my assigned summer reading books for school one is a really fun and interesting read which is "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut. The other one "How To Read Literature Like A Professor" by Thomas C. Foster is one of the most dry books I have ever read and I have to read this for AP English 2. Also last night my friends surprised me after work and we hung out all night I didn't get home until midnight! Here is to another good day.

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Coming back home

I just came back home from vacation on the beach and this vacation truly felt like a vacation as we had no internet signal over the last week I was not able to log in my requirements but I had a great time none the less. On my first day of running I actually got lost and had to run into a nearby hotel and ask for directions back to my condo but I will say I had a great time on my vacation besides that little hitch and I am ready to dive fully back into my audit cycle. I am happy to back and ready to go back to work at the dojang tomorrow!

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Great Day

I had one of the most fun days I have had in a while besides being able to work at summer camp which is always fun my friend Alex's 18th birthday was today. A bunch of our friends got together and threw him a party we had some food and we played a ton of Pokemon Go today. I actually just got back... about three four hours of walking and running around it was amazing and I hope to do it again soon.  

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Summer Camp Day 2

Today was the second day of Olympic week and it was another great day. The kids got to see the instructors do some "entertainment" and the kids were howling with laughter made my day just to hear them. The first half of the day the little tigers and I had our own separate space and the kids were super focused and very strong which made me happy, seeing them work so hard is a feeling that indescribable. But towards the end when two groups came into the same room the kids lost focus and I don't blame them it was very loud and there was a lot of people in there. Tomorrow I am hoping to have my own space once again!

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First Summer Camp Day

Today was our first day of Summer Camp and the theme is Olympic Sparring. Since we are in the temporary space before we get to move into our new dojang, so there was some issues that wasn't as much fun as some of the summer camps before. It was a little loud during camp but I could get louder than everyone else. I had the youngest kids the little tigers in my group and I really enjoyed those kids they were cracking me up all day! I can't wait for another day of camp for tomorrow.

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Interesting Run

While I was on my run today I ran into a man walking a full sized pig on a leash like a dog and of course I had to go pet the pig so my run took me a little longer today but it was worth it. I can honestly say that I have never seen a pig on a leash until today the best run I've had in a while.

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First of Many

Today was my first day of going to North Charlotte for Saturday Black Belt class and I had a great time I really loved it. I drove up there and the drive was my first time going on the highway by myself and although it was a tad stressful I loved having all of that freedom. I had a great time during sparring class and during black belt class and I learned a bunch of new stuff and learning new things makes me feel the best. During sparring class I did roll my ankle a little bit but it won't stop me from doing all of my requirements.

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