
Skylar James Hawes

Member since: Sunday, 03 July 2016
Last Visit: Friday, 07 October 2016
Skylar James Hawes
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

the barking dogs

So last night the dogs keep barking.  They were both in my room so it was the loudest for me.  I hope they never do this again.

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The quick day

Today was really quick!  I didn't have school so I slept in.  When my dad picked me up we droped Holden off at his friends house.  I went to my dads house whached two movies and then face timed my friend.  I lost track off time and ended up face timing her for a hour!!!  Than I went to tkd. After tkd my mom, my aunt, and me went to dinner.

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Student Council

Today I had my first meeting for student council.  This is my second year at my school and my second time on student council. Last ear it was really fun and I hope it will be this year to.  Last year I ran for cornilius manager and got it, this year I am running for secretary and I got it!  Even tough I was the only one who wanted to do it.  I am soooo happy!!!

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I really like my teachers.  They are really nice, funny, and caring.  I go to Cornilus elementary.  All of the teachers are nice.

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The NOT so Interesting day

My day was just like any other day.  I went to school did school stuff and went to tkd after school.  I did my homework studied a bit the took class.  After class I did sparring and and than went home and at dinner and did some requierments.  I need some sleep!

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Soccer practice splash

So I was doing requirments and waching Holdens soccer practice when my mom was doing self defence with mt started it started to rain.  It started to rain in one direction than another and it kept switching directons then it finally hit us on the hill.  Everyone ran to their cars but I stayed outside, I went under a tree for a little bit then I came out.  After that I went in the car soked.

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Before she leaves

So in my last blog or jernal I talked about my mom leaving today.   So before school today she is taking us to McDonlds for brackfast.  I will miss her but stay strong.

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Mom's Back

My mom came back  home a few days ago.  I was really excited when she came home.  She came home from Laos.  Then on thurseday she has to leave again.  I will miss her.

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Hoot (book)

When I read my book at first it was confusing but then it got better.  It was confusing at first because it was two storys that were the same story but then they murged into one.  It was really good and I sugjest u read it.  It was a good book.

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First day of school

The first day of school was better than I thought.  My two teachers are really nice.  My bus was late but it was ok.  I know a lot of people in my class this year.  There are 3 or 4people in my class this year that was in my class last year.  I liked my first day of school.

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My Pets

I have quite a lot of pets.  I have two dogs, two guinea pigs, and five fish.  My dogs names are hero, phinoxe, and beemer.   Beemer is my aunts dog.  My guinea pigs names are marshmellow and popcorn.  My fishes names I cant remember.  Those  were my pets and their names.

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Yesterday Holden got braces.  The doctor said that in about a hour it will start to get sore.  I asked Holden if it hurt he that it didn't hurt and the only thing that kind of hurt was the thing that holds your lips apart so that they could put them on.  As the doctor said his teeth did start to get sore.  But this morning he was ok.

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The Orthodontics

Today me and Holden went to the Orthodontics to see if him or me needs braces.  Holden is getting braces in  August.  I might get braces but I don't know for sure.  I am a little nurvus if I do need to get braces but my friend said it was ok.  Sheh said it didn't hurt getting them on but the day after it does a little.  That was what we did at the Orthodontics.

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My Day

Today I hung out with my friends and then went to my dads house.  We watched t.v. and just hung out really.  Then I went to tae kwon do and did a few classes.  After that I came home and spent time with my family.

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The last few days

The last few days were good.  I went to sparring and black belt class on Saturday.  After class we got pelican cones.  Then we went hiking.  On Sunday I played with my friends and just hung out.  Today I played with my friends and jumped on the trampoline.

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My Day

When me and my brother woke up we went to my dads house and watched  t.v.  Then me and my dad went back to my house to get sleepover things.  Then I went to Brookes house for the sleepover.  Next we disgust our options for things to do and ended up going to the pool.  After the pool we made this body scrub that makes your skin soft.  Then we made pretzels and bagels and had dinner.  Finally we went outside to play.  

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