
Emma Larsen

Member since: Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Last Visit: Friday, 05 October 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

finally here

I was able to miss school today to prepare for the test.  So I got to sleep in but for the rest of the day I have been going over everything and preparing for my test.  I am super excited to go to the overnight test and think I am ready.  

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1 day out

I am glad it is finally here. I did good today and only have a few pullups left which I will do tomorrow morning.    Looking forward to the testing.

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all about the ups today

today I did as many pushups and situps and pullups as possible.  I got up extra early this morning to get some in before school.  I did some when I got home from school. I did some between TKD class and meeting with my mentor.  I did some when I got home.  I worked very hard and got in a lot.  I have a test at school tomorrow so I studied for that too.  in class I got all my questions answered about the overnight test and I feel ready.   

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couple more days

couple more days so pushing hard to try and finish all my TKD items.  Very tired but made good progress

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getting close

today was not very exciting.  School was a little boring and had cross country practice after school and was not in the mood to run which makes it feel like a forever to complete the run.  TKD classes tonight were ok but because it was red strip night was more physical activities which I need but was really hoping to be able to work on the poomsie and self defenses to get ready for testing.

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Completed last essay

pretty normal day.  Went and served at church.   Continued to work hard on the TKD items.  Last essay was completed and is in dropbox. I am continuing to work hard to prepare for the testing in less than a week.

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Quick Entry

It has been day.  I had a great time this morning Philippine session.  I enjoyed the sticks as well as the 2nd part on self defense.  Other than that typical saturday.  Mainly TKD and some school work.

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Long and tired

it was a long day and I am tired.  School was ok today and I attended a black belt class at Master Evans location. I did my homework and got in some TKD stuff.

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busy, busy day

busy day today with Church, TKD and school.  Did my normal server at church this morning with preschoolers.  I also went back tonight for the youth get together called REMIX.  In between I had to do some homework and study for a test tomorrow.  I was able to work on some TKD items.  I went ahead and at my church youth get together I was able to train and talk to 3 people about the hands on CPR that we learned on Saturday.   I will have to find time this week to work on the essay between everything else going on.

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Awesome Day

It was a great day because I did good this morning in TKD.  I had one of my best runs this morning.  I did pretty good on my other physical items.  I did awesome on my test.  I guess all that hard work paid off. Gotta keep pushing for the final couple of weeks.  Today was definitely a boost to help me get to the end.

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long day. . .

School today felt long.  Got home knocked out some homework and did some TKD stuff.  I also went to sparring class tonight which was good because I had not been able to go for the past 2 weeks.

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No school today

Attended blackbelt class last night and I enjoyed the class.  Today I did not have school so was a good day to catch up on things for school and TKD and just some personal time.

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No rain

Today was a nice day because there was no rain.  We also did not have school today so it was a relaxing and good day at getting stuff done.  I did some homework, studying for tests, and TKD stuff.  I also had time to relax and take it easy.

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Rainy day

Today was much like yesterday because of Florence i have been inside all day.  So i was very productive i worked on situps and pushups also studied more with flash cards for the TKD test and also the ones i have for school.  Lastly i cleaned my closet and helped cook dinner it was very good!

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hard at work

today  did a lot of studying.  I also did a practice test.  I worked on the physical part as well.  I think i will do good.  I have 2 tests for school on monday so i had to study for those as well.  Today went by fast because i was heard at work.  

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Weird Day

Did not have school today.  The weird thing is that I actually did school work for almost all my classes.  I had time to work on TKD stuff.  No black belt class tonight which was a bummer but was able to help out at white belt testing.  Overall a good day but weird.

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quick post

headed to bed but wanted to make a quick entry.  I have not school tomorrow so yeah. Hoping the weather want be to bad this weekend.  No TKD classes again because of belt testing so kind of a free night.   Worked on things at the house tonight..

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hurricane talk

a lot of talk about the hurricane and some schools being out.  We are still having school tomorrow which is fine.  Weird day because of no TKD classes tonight because of belt testing.  I used that time to get some homework done and do some studying for another test on Friday.  It also allowed me to be able to work on TKD requirements as it is hard during the week with school. 

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Lots of school and little TKD

i have another test tomorrow at school so I had to study .  Not super exited about that. I also had some homework.   Did some TKD stuff too.  When i was meditating today i thought about how thankful i am for my parents.  Because they are supporting me when doing TKD.  They have helped in many ways.  Such as preforming some of the physical activities.  As well as things like self defense and forms.  

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Study for written test

Yesterday I took a pre test at home to see where I was.  I completed some physical requirements and did some more studying for the test.  I did good on my history test today I got a 100%.   super sleepy tonight i think i am going to bed.  

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good and boring

I enjoyed Saturday's  black belt class.  Got to eat at one of my favorite places called chicken salad chick.  Today was a little boring because I had a lot of school work left to finish that was due tomorrow including 2 test. 

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it is Friday

Today was a long day.  At school I had 2 tests today I think I did good on both.  I had a good time a black belt class today.  I will also be at the black bely class tomorrow.  I have a lot of homework this weekend so I don't think I will get much free time.   

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tests and sparring

today I ran 3 miles for cross country and I was very sweaty and it was hard but I finished so yay me.  I also took a ELA test today and I feel very good about it.  I think I have or close to completing my sparring class requirements but I enjoy the class so looking forward to continuing to go.  I have 2 more tests tomorrow.

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Productive day

I feel very productive!!!!!  Today i worked on self defense a lot.  I had a mentor session today that was very helpful.  i got the chance to help someone else.  I think that teaching is the best way to remember this stuff.  

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No School

no school today which was awesome.   A little tired  but was able to push through and get my TKD completed today since it was kind of a free day even though I had some homework and tests coming up this week that  had to study for.  I also wrapped up all my essays but 1 so that is a big relief.  During my meditation time today I was thinking a lot about how I have been a little worried about completing the black belt cycle because it has become a little harder to get everything done each day now that school as started.  I just have to keep reminding myself that I just need to continue to work hard.         

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busy and long day

So hard to get going again after a couple days off from school.  I had a quiz in Spanish so that was not fun to start the week. Other than that the day was ok but long.  Was hard to fit much in today between getting up at 6:15 and going to school, Cross Country practice and then to TKD.  I did not get home till about 8 o'clock and barely had time to eat, do some homework, a few items for TKD before it is time to go to bed. Hopefully I will find some time tomorrow to get more done for TKD BB cycle.

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Joy and fun

Oh by the way, last night was awesome seeing the Lion King.    Today is the day I start back volunteering at my church in the children's ministry.  I love doing this and I got a new age group this year.  Last year I did the toddler room and that was a lot of fun.  This year I am helping in the preschool room and while it was busy this morning it was good to be back.  I get a lot of joy being with the kids.  I also worked hard on my tae kwon do activities because I am trying to help make up for not being able to do quite as much last week because of school. 

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Is it the same day?

I actually forgot what day of the week it was because all the days seem to be the same. It has been hard this week getting back in the routine for school.  Get up early, go to school, head to the Tae Kwon Do, get home, eat, do homework and it is bed time again. Looking forward to the long weekend.

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Good and exciting day

Other than it is Saturday today has been a great day.  Got up this morning and did some TKD work, went and had breakfast at Maple Street Biscuit, completed some more TKD items including some essays.  But the most exciting part of the day is that I am heading to eat a nice dinner in charlotte and going to see Lion King in theater.  I am a huge Disney person and I am so excited to be going.

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Hump day

Glad the week is half way over because it has been a long week already.  The only good news is that the homework has been lite this week but that will be picking up next week.  Attended 2 TKD classes today to help get leadership credit and also the White Belt Challenge piece. Looking forward to sparring class tomorrow. 

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Day 2 first XC Meet

So one of the things I am trying as a new skill is running cross country.  So I am not a runner but one of my best friends like to run. I thought I would give  it a try and see if it is something I would like.  Today we had our first event and while I did not do extremely well I was proud I finished. I have only be running mainly 1.5 - 2 miles when I run and today for the event it was 3 miles so I struggled because I am not sued to running that far.  I am sure as I go through this I will become better.  Between School, XC and TKD classes I am not getting much done on some of my Black Belt items during the first 2 days of school.  I hope this improves and I find ways to get it all...

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  662 Hits

Wow - Long day

Today was first day of school and it was good to see all my friends but classes not very exciting.  Plus, got homework on the first day. Yuk!  Was able to get a little of my Black Belt items in today and attended class and met with my mentor.  Starting my week as a white belt so I can check that off the list.  Late day and have to go get some rest because tomorrow is day number 2 of school.

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Long day - School tomorrow

busy day today with church and training related to the serving i do at the church with pre-school kids.  I also had to pack and get ready for school as tomorrow is my first day.  Today is my last day where I want have school work I have to figure out how to work in.  I was able to get most of my goals met today so that was good.

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On the Go

A lot going on today.  I had to go get my school schedule early this morning.  Then had to go back out so my brother could get his school schedule. Attended TKD class today and then off to a school event to finish out the day.  Felt like I was on the go all day and having a hard time reaching my goals.  I am wondering when school starts how I will continue the pace of reaching my goals.

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Another day down and saw some friends

Worked on one of my essays today about role model.  I am really enjoying writing this one. Today is much like yesterday as I am trying to keep up with all my activities.  It was good to go to the ribbon cutting at the new High School property.  It is really cool and look forward to the new building.  I saw a lot of my friends there which I was happy about.  

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Sunday is complete

I did a lot of practicing today with my kicks.  Mom watched me and said they are looking good. Worked on my promises and essays today as well.  Looking forward to tomorrow as I get to go see my new high school.

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A good day

I had a really good day today and felt motivated after waking up a little tired because I stayed up a little late last night.  I enjoyed being at class tonight and meeting with my mentor. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

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Playing catch up

Had a busy weekend with events for church and school. I was not able to be as productive as I would have liked to be.  Getting off to a string start this week but have to play some catch up to make up for the weekend.

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Hump Day

Wednesday was a good day and I got a lot accomplished.   I enjoyed classes tonight.  It has been a long day and time to go to bed.

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Boring day other than the classes tonight

I found myself bored today for some reason doing my activities.   A lot of the time my parents will do things with me but today I did most of the activities by myself.   I enjoyed the sparring and family classes tonight.  Have a busy weekend so I am hoping I am able to get everything done.

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to much

feeling a little overwhelmed with all that needs to get done today.  Did not get everything done today I was hoping, bummer.  Tomorrow is a new day so I am hoping I have a good day.

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Saturday glad it is over

Over slept this morning .  Had fun at black belt class this morning and enjoyed the sticks and staff parts.  Had a hard time getting motivated in the afternoon to knock some items off.  Headed out this evening to Pentatonix concert. 

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Run & Poomsae card game

Had a good run with my dog Daisy this morning and my dad.  I practiced my poomsaes today and while doing that I like to make it interesting.   I wrote each poomsae on an index card and shuffled them up.  I then draw a card of the top to determine which poomsae I practice to make it kinda of fun and interesting.   

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Tired . . . zzzz

As today comes to an end I got through everything I had set out for myself to complete.  Had a friend come over for a few hours this afternoon to relax.  But at the end of the day one word describes me, tired.  On my way to sparring class I actually dosed off which is not normal.  I had a good class but definitely ready to go to bed.

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It is Monday

Started off the week on a good note.  Got started early today on my items and reached my goal for the day.  Yeah!

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Mondays . . . . .

Hello Monday! I had a great weekend and was able to attend a Friday and Saturday Black Belt Class.  I got an early start today on some of my activities which was nice because I have found myself lately trying to finish up late in the evening to reach my goals.

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