
Elise Sheehan

Member since: Saturday, 13 July 2024
Last Visit: Friday, 04 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I woke up and went  to school for lunch I had yogurt and granola after school I whent home and ate diner at knight kids I did my requirements and I was relly good at them.Thats all for my day peace.✌🏼

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Today I woke up and got ready for poomsae class. after class I got food then I went to my cousins house for my cousins birthday after the birthday we went out for dinner then we came home that’s all for my day Peace.✌️

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Today I woke up and I had e learning so I sighed into my class after e learning I studied a bunch .after I studied I went to black belt class after I went home and ate dinner that’s all for my day peace

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Today I woke up and got ready for school after school I whent to TKD and did sparring and I also got a menty sesion thats all for my day peace✌🏼

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Today I woke up and got ready for school after school I went to taekwondo I toke a class and got a mentor session with master Chelley thats all for my day peace.✌🏼

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today I woke up got ready for school at school. I had a test and I only missed one question after school. I went to taekwondo. I got a mentee session in and I took two classes when we got home we ate pizza. That was my day. Peace.✌🏼

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Today I woke up and got ready for school after school I went to TKD I  did sparring after sparring I came home and ate my moms delicious diner that all for my day peace✌🏽

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Today I Woke Up and got ready for school I got a prize after school I came home and now I’m studying that’s all for my day peace🇰🇷

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Today I went to school then after school I went to TKD I took two classes after I came home and ate dinner 

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Today woke up and I had a healthy banana split breakfast. After that we did requirements and then went to the track. We ran a mile and we also did an extra lap After that, we came home Then ate tacos that’s all for my day piece✌🏽

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Today woke up because I was at Junior instructors camp. I did some stretching with Caleb after that we ate breakfast. We discussed five a day the Color way then we ate healthy banana splits. I did a gymnastic class after that I did a stick class then a board breaking class after that we did a ceremony I didn’t know I got a reward until the very end which was so exciting. The award was a medal.

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To Day I woke up and went to school after school. I came home and Did requirements today I am going to Junior instructors camp this year. I’m excited because I’m doing it at my taekwondo school that’s all for my day piece✌🏽

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Today I went to school and it was club day I was so excited after school I did requirement today was a good day peace ✌️

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Today was picture day for me at my school I was dressed fancy after school I did requirements at my house I also started an essay

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Today I woke up and went to school and I got to do a experiment after the experiment I went to the store and got new shoes that’s all for my day peace✌🏼

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Today I woke up and when t to school after school I went to TKD after TKD I whent to smoke for dinner that’s all for to day peace✌🏼

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Today woke up, and my legs were sore from all the kicks I did yesterday but I still went to poomsae class today after poomsae I had to drop off my dads Wallet after we came home I went on my mile run we stopped and did some requirements at certain spots after we came home and studied stuff That’s all for my day peace✌🏼

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Today woke up and got ready for black Belt class After black Belt class I came home and clean my room after that we went to the  kick-a-thon I had to do 950kicks More than Ethan and Caleb, after the kick-a- thon We went too bad daddies for dinner came home and I’m doing my journal peace✌🏼

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Today woke up then we got ready for school then went to school after school we went to taekwondo and we helped out with the little Tigers class after we did Rolls and falls After Rolls and falls I did black belt class after I came home and ate my moms yum ric and beans 

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Today I woke up and then I went to school after school I went to taekwondo I did a mentor session then Help out with a class after that it was Sparring after sparring class we came home. Then we opened Pokémon packs.

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Today I woke up then I got ready for school at school We did Map Testing we went to taekwondo. I did my last leader ship. I did my last helper, but then we went to the store. We got some ingredients for spaghetti after that we came home and my dad made spaghetti then we ate that all for my day peace✌🏼

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Today I woke up. I got ready for school. I went to school recess at school. I got hit in the head. It hurt. It was a big rock after that, I got ice and then I went to math and science, then I went to knights ‘s kids and then came home. I got a snack. I got ready for taekwondo and there was traffic so we couldn’t take the 6 o’clock, but I got a mentee session in and I got a leader ship, that’s all for my day. Peace. 

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Today I woke up then I did some requirements with my mom after that we ate lunch and played a little bit Pokémon on the laptop then my brother caleb Had homework that we could help with we went to the woods and filmed him he got knee-deep in quicksand we helped him then I got stuck a little but I yanked my foot up we also saw a poisonous spider that’s all for my day peace ✌️ 

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Today I woke up and got ready Pom’s a after that I came home and did requirements then I watch some TV after that I took a bath and read a book then I eat dinner after that I watch my brother Caleb play Pokémon on the laptop then I played Pokémon on the laptop that’s all for my day peace ✌️ 

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Today I woke up got ready for black class I came home and taught my dog some tricks after that we did our requirements then then our mom and dad went out for their anniversary

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Today I woke up I got ready for school then I went to school I had math testing I also had another test then I did my student Council I won then I went to taekwondo after that I came home ate dinner now I’m reading peace 🌘

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Today I woke up and got ready for school after school my mom yelled at my dad for letting me wear some thingAfter that we went to tae kwon do I did my white belt challenge and went to sparring class then we got Jimmy John’s then we came home and finishing my Jimmy John’s and now I’m eating ice cream peace ☮️ 

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Today I woke up and went to school after school we came home and dad said we could have a one day break from taekwondo so he made hotdogs and hamburgers after we ate we put it on the TV show then we got ice cream then we went on our mile run we did some Burpee’s and planks Then we did everything else and that’s all for my day peace ✌️ 

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Today I woke up and then I packed up and went to school after school I went to taekwondo I helped out with the class I took a class and got a leadership credit for doing punches and kicks then I came home ate my mama’s yummy pastellios then we started watching a movie called into the woods on Disney+ then I got to make ice cream now I’m doing my journal Peace ✌️.

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Today woke up went to school and then went to tae kwon do I did some requirements there and then I took a class did a leader ship and did a mentee session then came home ate dinner and now it’s night time

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Today woke up at breakfast and then went to school. I did some requirements at school. I did push-ups they are getting easier. I also did planks which are pretty easy. I did a bunch of other stuff too after that I went to taekwondo helped out with two classes and took one then we came home and ate my mamas yummy rice and beans now I’m watching a movie, peace  ✌🏼 

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They woke up in the school and then IWent to taekwondo then I Took a class and then helped out with a class I’m home we had a little picnic we ate and now we’re watching a movie.

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Today I woke up ate breakfast and then went to black belt then I came home and then lWent to my friend Arden‘s house after that I dropped off Caleb to his demo team practice we got to go inside the building and it was so cool then when we went to pick them up we are little early so we’ve got to watch and stuff after that we came home that’s 

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I woke up and I got ready for school. when I got to school I got to a  sheet just to aware you I’m in third grade after school. I went to  nights kids it was not fun  . It was not fun there today and I had to go to taekwondo. I like it then I had to go to the grocery store after that I came home and now my dad making dinner Peace ✌🏼 

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Today I woke up and then I went to school then I get all the stuff at night kids  then I came to class and I helped out then I took the next class came home and now I’m doing my requirements see you later guys peace ✌️ 

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today was a great day I woke up and then I talked to my mom for a little .then we went to go eat some pizza for lunch .then we came home and I did all my requirements. They felt easier this time push-ups aren’t that hard planks are not that hard anymore .then we did our mile it was fun because it started raining and that’s end my day. See you guys later peace.💪🏼

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Today I woke up and then I remembered it was the weekend but I had to go to Black Belt class .after  the class we went home and clean .then we did our leftover requirements because when we cleaned I did requirements .then we played in the front yard for a little until my mom got home .then we went to catch Em collectibles to get my dad a belated birthday present .because we forgot to get on his birthday .so then he opened them and he had a such a great time he said thank you. that’s all for today peace. ✌️ 

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Today was my first day of school. We have a project due on Monday. It’s not a long project though then we went to night kids. I did a challenge with my friends who can hold A Low plank And I won then we went to taekwondo and did rolls and falls I did Some requirements there I held my plank for two minutes. That’s the longest I’ve ever ever done before. It was so fun. They came home. Ate dinner and that’s all for today. See you guys tomorrow.

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Today I woke up and ate then did all m require. Planks are hard for me but I got through it. All the others are getting better. That is all for today🥋

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Journal Woke up and went to a special event today today

Woke up and went to a special even that took five hours!But then we came home and cleaned our room did all of our requirements push-ups are really tricky for me pull ups are getting easier planks are still a little hard set ups are easy Burpee’s tired me out and after this my dad‘s gonna open Pokémon packs I get to help it’s a really fun day see you tomorrow bye ✌️

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Today we got back from vacation right now the workouts are getting easier but they’re still hard but you have to keep pushing through it to succeed if you don’t succeed try again it’s really fun when you get to win but if you don’t just practice that’s what I’ve been doing with my Black belt cycle even though it’s hard I never gave up that hurt but it was worth it then I have a fun day with all my family Talk tomorrow ✌️ 

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Today I woke up went fishing then I went to the pool I did my poomsae and pull-ups then I went home and did my poomsae again, and did three self-defense we did Requirements also, we did our poomsae in the pool and we had to guess it just buy the noise it was so fun

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vacay journal

Today I woke up, ate breakfast and then we went to the beach. I built a Sandcastle village then for dinner we went to Hudson’s then we came Home then l did push up and the other stuff.   

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Vacation Journal

Today I woke up on A fishing trip.Then We went to eat then I went to the pool I did kicks in the pool and sit up. Guess what? I’m in Hilton head

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Journal 6

Today was my brother Ethan‘s birthday first he woke up and gave us a bunch of hugs Then then I gave him his birthday present for me. He loved it then he opened one from the whole Family then we did our requirement we picked up Caleb and went to dinner Then we went to taekwondo and helped out with a class. I almost told everybody that was Ethan’s birthday. After that we did sparring at the end of sparring we got to sing happy birthday to Ethan and Kick Ethan 

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Journal #5

Today I got Back from my favorite person’s house Kiki! She has grandchildren And they are babies so we got to play with them and then we went home ate hotdogs for dinner. I had a mentor session with Master Chelley when I got to taekwondo, and that was my day.

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Today I woke up at my breakfast and then I did some pull-ups and then they ate pizza for Lunch and then I did all my requirements. Then we went to taekwondo. We helped out Two classes and then left we were gonna have tacos for dinner but something happened so we ate hotdogs and then we did a Grit workbook it was so much fun and then we went for a mile run and that’s my day I’ll write tomorrow about my day because tomorrow I’m going over somebody’s house

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Journal #3

Today I had to wake up really early because I had to go to pre-test and I had to run 1 mile and it hurt really bad. Then we went onto the party bus and then we went to North Charlotte King Tiger Dojung. We did push-ups sit ups V sit ups, jump rope, and plank then we did our Poomsaes and then we finish The pretest I felt really scared at first, but once I did it, it felt good and then I went home at nine in the morning!  

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Journal #2

Today I woke And I ate some food after that I sat down for like a little bit and I Went in my pool .then I did my requirements. I did one pull up and then I did My black belt workbook .then I went to class. I helped that one and then I took one. I also took my First mentor session with Master Chelley. 

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Journal #1

Today I woke up and I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate some cereal then I watched some TV and then my dad made us do requirements. he set up the pull up bar and I did one pull up it was so fun. Then I had to go to class and I helped out with one class and took the other class. I watched Ethan mentor his mentee it was so fun helping out my class today.  I came home I went upstairs and got dressed and then I ate dinner my mom’s yummy yummy yummy rice and beans

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