
Callen Starman

Member since: Saturday, 08 July 2023
Last Visit: Friday, 04 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


So today I. Got up and went to school.  I got lots of homework.  Oh I got home I went straight to king tiger and took class.  I got my stuff done there  on the way home we got some food for dinner.  

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So today I woke up and went to school and it was a half day so I got home early.  Since I got home early I went to king tiger earlier  and got all my stuff done earlier.  It is an earlier kinda day.  I might go to bed earlier or not.  

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So today I woke up and didn’t have my lunch box.   I bought lunch today at school.   I looked for my lunchbox but I brought home the wrong one.  After school I went to class. I am going to keep it short today.  

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So today I slept for a while before I got up so I felt good.  I really didn’t do much today and just stayed around the house.  We had a nacho bar for dinner.  I just ate meat and cheese on mine.  I don’t have much to say today so I am going to go to bed. 

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Today I woke up and went black belt class.  Super early as usual.  And then I stayed and helped with the next class.   Later in the day I went to the pool with my friends.   After that I came home.  Mom brought back some donuts when she got back in town.  I am tied and ready for bed.  

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So today I woke up like usual and went to school. It was the last day of the week so I was pretty excited for the weekend.  I went to blackbelt class and had to rush to baseball. We got shake shack on the way.  I did pretty good. We won.  I got a sweet 3rd out and got the runner out on second.  That was my day today.  I am going to keep it short. 

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I woke up. I am not going to tell a joke today. I am tired.  After school, I baked cookies. Then a went to sparring.   Then I came home and did my homeowrk.  I had a fair amount both in ELA and Math.  That’s my day. Bye. ✌️ 

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So today I woke up and I went to school.  After school I went to king tiger and work on some of my requirements.    I am going to cut my hair all short to save room for a joke.  we after king tiger we went to dinner at melting pot for Coopers birthday.   🚨why do minions wear 2 pair of pants to play golf?    In case they get a hole in one!   🚨

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So I woke and went to school. Then at school it was a normal day.  After school I went to king tiger for class, got a leadership credit and also an assist in.   I then had a mentor and a mentee session.   It was a busy day of taekwondo.  I had spaghetti for dinner and left over cookies to snack on.  Thats it for me today.   I will tell you a joke tomorrow.  

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I’m so I woke up and it was a normal day.  Turn out we had a bomb threat today. We were stuck out side in the could shivering rain for 2 hours.  Then they brought buses and took us to a storage warehouse. We waited until our parents came and got us.  I got home and went to king tiger.  I took and stayed for several classes today because I went early.  Then I had spaghetti for dinner.   That is my day.    🚨why did the banker lose his job?      He lost interest. 🚨

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So I woke up and watched a movie before we left for the panthers game.  We got some popcorn and drinks.  We lost.  It was bad.  We are on the train home journaling on the way to the car.   I am going to have some cookies when I get home.   

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I woke up today. I had a sore throat.  Mom made me take some medicine.   I played some video games then I had to go to Walmart with mom.  Before we left Smokey jumped up on me and scrapped the back of my leg.   Before we got there cooper called and Smokey go off his leash and we had to turn around and help find him.   By the time we got back dad had found him.   Then we went back to Walmart.  After Walmart we went to Pikes to find a cypress. After I got my tree we went home and went to eat.    I can’t think of a joke. I will tell one tomorrow.  

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I started out the day by going to school.  I also have a joke for a closer.  When I got back from school. I went to blackbelt class.  Then went straight to baseball.  It was a close one But we pulled it out in the end.  We undefeated. 🚨Why is it so hard to sneak Darth Vader gifts?       Because he can sense your presence!   🚨

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I woke up and got dressed and then went to school. I found out today I have 2 test tomorrow. But then I got home and I really didn’t do much out and a bout because we didn’t have sparring tonight. I had some math homework and my big bro helped me. So then I journaling and going to bed.  oh I owe you a joke……… what do you get when a chicken see lettuce?          Chicken sees-a salad!  

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I started out the day as usual. I went to school and back.  When I got back I went to baseball practice.  That felt like it lasted forever. After practice. I got dinner at tenders.  I am pretty full and I will eat my leftovers for breakfast.  I don’t have a joke today.  But I will have one tomorrow.  Bye.  

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I woke up and went to school.  Got up late but was ok because the bus was late.  Then I went to baseball tonight.  I won. I got a double.  I am going to keep it short.  I a,m tired and going to bed.  

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So I woke up and had some time to spare.  So I just did nothing while I waited.  I did not feel great.  Then I went to school but I got home after and I went to class. Did a mentee session and assisted with a class.  I am staying while my brother did black belt class but my dad is coming to get me since I have homework.   I am also journaling while I am waiting.    since the voice of Darth Vader died today.    🚨how does Darth Vader like his toast?    On the dark side.   🚨

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So, I really had nothing to do today.   But I did some yard work with my dad and after that we went go carting.   I liked it a lot.  Then we went to Olive Garden since we were already in Mooresville.  After that we went to the grocery store and brought the grocery in the house.   You are all caught up since I am doing my journal and Bye.

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So I woke up today and went to black belt class. Then I waited a couple hours as went to the  kicka thon.  I am super sore and then I went to my friend Blaine birthday party. We were there for a long tie. You are all caught up and that was my day. 

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So I am going to tell you a joke at the end of my post!  🚨look here🚨 so I started off today by going to school. It’s Friday and nobody listens on Friday.  So when I got home I got dressed for black belt class. After I got dressed for baseball then had to rush to the field. At the end we won 10-0. So we are making sugar cookie that look like footballs.  That’s it so here is my joke.    🚨why can’t you hear the pterodactyl use the restroom?     Because the P is silent.  

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So I woke up and went to school. And then when I got home I got ready for sparring.  I did some requirements before class as we got there a little early.  When class was over we had to go to Dicks to get new baseball pants.  I have a game tomorrow after black belt class and I needed gray pants. I ate a grilled cheese and now I am going to go to bed.  

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I woke up today got on the bus and when school was over I came home and hugged my baby dog Smokey.  Then I went to baseball practice. I got home and set my fantasy team. And that was my day. 

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I woke up and had school after a long weekend.  I was not fun today. I finally got home and I had 20 min to get ready for class at king tiger. I got a leadership credit tonight. When class was over I had to go home and change for scouts. They worked on sewing badges. When I got home I had some homework to do.  I couldn’t get it to load so I had to wait until my mom got home to get her to fix it. That is basically my day. 

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I woke normally but did not have school.  I just played games today.  Didn’t do much.  I ate and did some requirements and I am going to bed. Pretty boring day today. 

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I woke up today and went to sail on the lake with friends from scouts. It stormed and then we had to go take shelter in a building. Now your all caught up good night

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I woke up today and went to. King tiger for class. I did a mentor session and then I went back home.  I ate breakfast and then went to a cookout. They had a pool so we swam a lot. Now I am super sore and it is super late. I am going to go to bed. Goodnight.  

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It was a pretty usual day today. Same ole same ole with the school. I got home and didn’t have much time before I had to get ready to go to sparring. I helped at the class before. Getting a snack and going to bed. 

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So I forgot to set an alarm and my mom woke me at 7:20. It only took me 20 min to get ready so I had a little less than an hour of free time before I had to go to school.   Tomorrow I am going to get up earlier so I have more time before I have to catch the bus. After school I took class I could only stay for 1 class today because I had baseball practice.  I think I might be one of the better outfielders on the team.   😉. And when I was done I went to circle k to get some some snacks.   We are all caught up today.  I will see ya tomorrow.  ✌️ 

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Today is going to be short but sweet.  I have to go bed soon.  Today I went to school. My new normal.  Then after I got ready and went to scouts.  We got pizza after scouts. I got home did some requirements and now it is bed time.  

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Today I woke 2 hours before school. I got ready and then went to the bus stop.  Once I was at the stop the bus came.  I went to Bailey my new middle school.  I went to Homeroom and had class and then I went to ELA teacher.  After that I went to see my crazy science teacher.   She is funny and cray cray.  I went to lunch and PA. I walked the track during PA. I had the rest of my classes and then was done for the day.  I took the bus home. I got a sandwich and then went up to king tiger.  Going to do my requirements and then go to bed. 

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So I woke up for about 2 hours and then fell back asleep.  Then we had to go to the water park. I rode some rides. Then after we went and ate Japanese. I am very stuffed and it is late.  I have school tomorrow.  

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Ummm…I woke up today and I went to class.  They were talking about mentor sessions so I had one today and learned bolo. I also went for a walk today. Dad and I walked the dowg for 2 miles.  After that we thought about going to the the pool but we didn’t.  Spoiler alert. We are going to a water park tomorrow.  Last fun thing before school start.  Tonight they had a food truck at our pool so I had tacos and chips. 10/10. I would recommend.  That’s it for today. See ya tomorrow. 

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I woke up and I went to black belt class.  I am keeping it short today. I have a fantasy football draft.  I went to my friends house and played Xbox. Then I got home and that’s all for the day.  Bye. 

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I woke up and dad brought me some breakfast. He had to go to the doctor today so he got Bojangles on the way home. I did my requirements early today.  I then went to sparring tonight.  I didn’t do much before class tonight.  That’s all about my day. Boring. Good nite.  

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My alarm did not go off today so I woke up at 11.  I diid not have much time before my open house at 2:30. It look a while at open house.  After we were done we went and picked up cooper for his open house.  Then my mom had to take my dad to the ER so I was not able to go to class today.  Everything is goood with him. Good night and good bye.  

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I had to get up early today because I had a dentist appointment.  They had to numb my mouth.  I had to have a filling because of a deformed tooth,  we stopped at Chick-fil-A on the way home.  It was hard to eat because my mouth was numb. I had pizza for lunch.  After I ran 2 miles. When I was done I watched a Black Panther movie. I have open house at school tomorrow. 

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So I woke up and we to black belt class. We worked On self defenses today. We had a mentor session after class. We did some self defense.  I went to my best friends pool today.  I think we played for about 4 hours.  I put on sunscreen but it did not work today.  I got sunburnt on my nose and cheeks. After I left we had to get ready to get ready for the panthers preseason game against the jets.  Of course we lost. So we had to take the train of same back to the car.  It felt like it took forever to get home.  Now you are all caught up on my happens today. 

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It’s Friday I woke up early but ended up falling back asleep. I sleep for another hour.  Nothing too fun and exciting today.   So I am going to keep it short.  I went to black belt class did some requirements and had a sandwich from jimmy johns.  I know I will have more to write tomorrow because I have a lot more planned.  

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I woke up because I set an alarm for 8, but I went back to sleep. Not too long into the day I had to go to the dentist.  It took a while to get there. Everything was good and came home. I was hungry so we stopped to eat lunch. I went to king tiger later and stayed for 2 classes.  I came home and went jogging with my bro. That’s it. GN. 

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I woke up at 8:00 this morning,   After breakfast I broke down a bunch of boxes we had in the garage. Then I took them to the recycle center with my dad. On the way back we ate at Moe’s. I then did my requirements before class.  Not that big of a day.  

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Today I woke up and we went to the store.  I had to get shoes for school and new baseball cleats.  We got home and I thought about cleaning my room but ran out of time because my mom had to go get my brother. He had been at camp all week and they got home earlier than they thought they would.  We went and ate dinner at his favorite place. I am going to finish up my requirements and then go to bed. 

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Today was a busy day.  I woke up super early today.  Something woke me up at 6.  I went to Black belt class. After class I got hot cocoa and went to get my hair cut.  We went to the farmers market in Davison before my hair cut and got blackberries for dad.  We went home and chilled for a little bit before I had to go to baseball tryouts.  I went to baseball and they gave out baseball card packs.  After I went home to take a bath and went with mom to IKEA. We got some stuff for my room. I am going to finish my requirements and get dinner. 

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Today, I woke up as usual and did some requirements and then went to class. I walked the dog 2.5 miles tonight. My doggie was not good on his walk. He kept pulling me and he walked close to a rabbit.  I was shocked he did not try to go after it.  Then I went and got chicken tenders for dinner.  That was my day. 

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Today I woke up rather late.i was tired today.  I then went to king tiger for class and sparring. I tried out my new mouth guard. I was really tired after. I had Panda Express for dinner.  I made cookies afterwards.  I ate some and saved some.  That has been my day.  

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Today I woke up and had pizza for breakfast.  Then I did my requirements and practiced my viola.  Then I went to king tiger.  I didn’t feel good so I only stayed for 1 class.  I then got ice cream.  I then went home and ate spaghetti.  I felt better after I ate.  

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Today I got ready and went to king tiger.  I assisted with one class.  When I got home it was looking like it was going to rain so we went and walked my dog 2 miles.  Then I thought about getting ice cream bur decided not too.  That was my day so bye for now 

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Hello there,   Today I did my requirements, went to class and had a mentor session.  I annoyed my dog this evening before the storm.  When the storm came my doggie went crazy and could not find a place to hide in. 

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I woke up for black belt class this morning and felt horrible and I had limited time to get dressed and ready.  Once I got to black belt class I had a mentor session.  After class we went to take care of our friends dog.  I had Chick-fil-A for breakfast.  I am now starving as I just realized that is all I have eaten today. We then went to pick up Coopers friend JoJo to go see Deadpool and wolverine.  My favorite part was dogpool.  He is the best. 

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This weekend we are taking care of our friends dog.   After class we went over to their house and walked him.  The dogs name is Cooper Joe. He is old and did not want to go for a walk. Then when we got home we went and walked our dog Smokey. Then my brother made nachos for dinner. 

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Today I woke up and got caught up on some requirements.  I practiced my viola before my lesson. After my lesson mom and I went to Ben and Jerry’s for ice cream.  Then we had to go to Target because they messed up moms order last week. I have finally gotten my charging cord that broke.   I also took my dog for a walk.   Now I am going to bed.  

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