
Adam Pecoraro

Member since: Thursday, 13 December 2018
Last Visit: Friday, 20 November 2020
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

February 7th

The weekend is here! I was beginning to think it was gone forever. After a mentor session nobody else came to kickboxing class so I did a personal workout to get in some jump ropes and sparring rounds. After that I went to dinner with some friends which was really fun. 

  510 Hits

February 5th


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  493 Hits

February 4th

I had so much homework today, I started when I got home and finished 20 till midnight but I got it done! Going to do my daily requirements and then I’ll be out like a light bulb. School’s starting to ramp up and I’m a little worried about the written exam on the 22nd but I’ve been studying and it’s going well.

  467 Hits

February 3rd

I feel so swamped with homework and deadlines! I have a 4 page essay by Wednesday and an in class timed 53 minute essay for another class and my precalc test tomorrow, my upcoming cpcc deadlines aren’t helping either so I just feel really stressed but I’ll get through it. The weather was really nice today, a feel good, windows down, ride home from school was enough to wash most of my worries away for a bit.

  473 Hits

February 2nd

Today was really fun, I slept in (It’s already a good day), met up with some friends with lunch, and got to hang out with my brother back from college for the weekend. Unfortunately my day ended with a massive homework spree that left my hand cramped and my brain fried.

  466 Hits

February 2nd

Today has been really good and productive, got a haircut and got my daily requirements done before helping out at the community service project which was nice. After that I had to meet up at my aunt and uncles house for the rest of the day and that was really fun! 

  485 Hits

Jan 31

Today was good, Friday’s are always good if you ask me... I had the first half of my stats test today and a quiz in chem which I thought both went really well but other than that it was a pretty normal day. I’m really excited that the kick boxing classes are starting back up and I had fun attending that alongside blackbelt class today.

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April 11th

I had a good day today, a somewhat difficult day at school but there's light at the end of the tunnel, spring break is right around the corner. We have an e-learning day tomorrow so I don't have to actually go to school but I can just do my assignments at home and submit them online, and right after that spring break starts, so I'm excited about that. I think that our school's spring break is pretty far out but if anyone else has it when I do I wish for you guys to have a wonderful spring break.

  616 Hits

April 5th

I had a really good day today, although a little stressful at school, after I got home and calmed down a little bit I sat down and played the guitar for a little bit which helped calm my nerves. Then I went to Taekwondo and when I got back I did my requirements and preapred for the overnight exam tomorrow. I had a lot of homework which I just finished about 10 minutes ago and I'm ready for my half day of school tomorrow!

  676 Hits

April 3rd

I tried to write about this yesterday but it seems that the site was down late last night, I've had a really busy weekend, my brother is moving into his new apartment, and preparing for the black belt class while juggling school has been a handful. On top of all of that, my brother's turtle, which I am taking care of while he is at college, got out of its tank and chipped it shell which I may have to take to a special vet soon. So i'm feeling a little stressed but I know everything's going to be worth it in the end.

  652 Hits

March 25th

Today's been chalk full of work, I had a lot of homework today, and thankfully I was able to do most of it in French, as we had a substitute and a free period. I had a Key Club meeting after school and when I got home I swiftly finished my homework and my daily requirements. I Spent the rest of my day helping my brother move some stuff into his apartment. I'm sad the weekend's over but yesterday's embers spark today's light.

  629 Hits

March 21st

I had a really nice day, I had a very interesting day at school. I took a math test but I feel pretty confident in my answers. After coming home from school. I hung out with my little brother for a little bit then went to tae kwon do for a while. I really enjoyed helping out with class and taking Sparring and another class. I've had a crazy week but things are finally setting down.

  652 Hits

March 11th

I've had a really nice day, I'm already feeling back to normal besides a cough, but that always resides for weeks after I get sick. I was able to spend my day with my brother and had a really nice day, I'm really grateful that I didn't have school today. Unfortunately school begins anew tomorrow, officially starting the fourth quarter. I'm both nervous and excited to be so close to the end of my sophomore year. 

  580 Hits

March 10

It's been a mixed day, my brother came home from college for the week since he's on spring break and it's always nice to see him so that's good. On the other hand, I've gotten pretty sick. It's only something mild, thankfully, and I'm already feeling much better, but it still king of prevented me from hanging out with my family as much as I wanted to so that brought me down a bit. I don't have school tomorrow so that's good.

  625 Hits

March 7th

Today's been very productive. Despite being very very busy, I feel like I've gotten a lot done. I took 1 quiz, and two tests today, studied for two more tests that I have tomorrow and am stressing out a lot over the test on Saturday. I have also done a multitude of small assignments for my various classes, all in all I think it pretty much sums up the end of the quarter. I'm glad for the 3 day weekend since we have Monday off.

  588 Hits

March 5th

Today has been pretty stressful, but I'd like to take a look at the better side of things. I have a truck load of makeup work for a day that I missed, and that just keeps on piling up. I had to miss taekwondo because my little brother and my mom had a concert, and I received a less than favorable grade back on my French test. Despite all of that, I got my daily requirements done, practiced guitar, listened to a wonderful performance, received a good grade on a civics project, and even got to relax and just hang out with my family for a little bit. 

  639 Hits

March 3rd

Got back from Instructor's Camp today, it was so much fun. It's only the second time I've been and I had a wonderful time meeting people and making new friends and strengthening relationships with the friends I already had. Of course it was a privilege to be around so many talented people. My knowledge and passion for taekwondo truly were strengthened and expanded. I hope to go again next year and to have an even better experience.

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February 20

I had a really fun day today, I got home from school and had no homework. I was able to play online with some of my friends, and did my requirements. I went to adult class and kick boxing today as well, kick boxing was very enjoyable. I hadn't gone to any of the kick boxing classes until today, I only had done the Friday up until now. Despite being a more relaxing day, I have an essay in English due this Friday, which I'm stressing over but I think I've got it in the bag.

  650 Hits

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day! It was a fun day, got back from school, did requirements, went to tae kwon do, ate, and played a few video games with some friends. I learned today that valentine's day was first a Roman tradition centered around Saint Valentine, so that was pretty interesting. I also took a math test today but I felt fairly confident on my understanding of the material so I'm not too worried about it.

  605 Hits

February 12

I haven't blogged in a while, I think I've been just about as busy as a high school student could be. My little brother got a little sick, not the flu thankfully. I was very loaded with homework, projects, tests, essays and schoolwork. Thankfully, it's started to subside and I've been able to have some time to myself. Other than finishing up my surplus of work today I practiced guitar and watched a movie with my family. A nice start to the end of chaos.

  578 Hits

January 6th

Today I had a good day, I played a lot of guitar, did requirements, did my homework, and was able to spend the remander of my day with my oldest brother who came in for dinner and stayed for a bit after. Unfortunately, he had to go back to his apartment because he has work tomorrow. I had hiccups for practically the entire day which I was really upsetting.

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February 3rd

I had a pretty good day today, I woke up around 9:30. I got ready early and hung out with my older brother and his girlfriend that came to visit for the weekend. She lives in West Virginia and only gets to visit him every once in a while so it was nice to see her. Around mid-day she left for the airport. The rest of the day I drove my parents around for some errands and then did my requirements and practiced guitar. Just finished my homework and now am getting ready for bed.

  622 Hits

January 31th

Had a good day, I was able to get homework out of the way pretty quickly, then went to taekwondo. I got a lot of sparring round in which was nice. I cleaned out my brother's turtle's tank and changed the filter, I'm watching over her while he's at college. My AP Human Geography test went well but I think I could have done better. Other than that I'm just settling down for bed, tomorrow's Friday so I'm excited about that.

  637 Hits

January 30th

Finally got a decent night's sleep last night, I have an AP Human Geography test tomorrow which I just finished studying for so I'm a little stressed out about that. On the other hand, I had a French test today and I think that went well. I've hit an impasse playing guitar, I'm having a really difficult time with barre cords, specifically when trying to play the song, "Stairway to Heaven." I've been working at it though and I believe I'm improving; practice makes perfect!

  551 Hits

January 28

School is finally starting to calm down and I'm able to relax instead of slave over poster boards and online charts. I started watching my neighbor's adorable dog while they're away. Other than that it's been an uneventful day. I'm really happy with the plant that I got for the cycle, I've found with a perfect place on my back porch for the plant as I care for it. I'm just settling down for bed now, I haven't been sleeping well lately so hopefully I get a good night's sleep.

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January 27th

I have had a really stressful week, so today being pretty calm was a really nice change of pace. I slept in, ate, then went to go get my plant for the cycle. With help from my mom I was able to find a shrub that will hopefully be in bloom around the time we plant them. My mom and I then went out to do some other chores, while we were out we saw an old family friend that we hadn't seen in a while, it was nice catching up. I'm just settling down for bed now, prepared to start school again tomorrow.

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January 23rd

I've had a calm day, I got home from school, did my requirements, watched a movie with my little brother and then went to taekwondo. When I got back home I ate dinner, finished my homework and now I'm getting ready for bed. I think I've finally been able to get a better grasp on playing guitar.

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January 21

Today's been mixed, my brother, who came in for the long weekend, went back to college this morning. It was really nice seeing him and it's a shame we can only see him on the long weekends/breaks. After he left I did my requirements then spent the rest of my day with my parents and little brother. I have a math test tomorrow which I recently finished reviewing equations for and I'm ready to tackle it. I'm settling down for bed now and writing this. 

  618 Hits

January 17th

Today was a little strange, I got home feeling fine, and I recently bought a capo for my guitar, this thing changes the key that you guitar can be played in by holding all of the strings down on a single fret. I was really excited to learn a new song that required the capo and I had worked on that for the majority of my day. About 30 minutes before I was meant to go to taekwondo, I felt really light-headed, and my heart was racing for no apparent reason. I have heart palpitations, so my mom, who's in the medical field, was worried and wouldn't allow me to go to taekwondo today.

  611 Hits

January 16th

I've had a good day. My AP Psych test went well, or at least I hope it did. I eagerly awaited coming home and besides doing homework, requirements and being at taekwondo, I played guitar. I'm getting pretty confident about it which I'm excited about, I'm going to try to learn one of my favorite songs so we'll see how that goes.

  625 Hits

January 14th

Today was pretty tiring, I had a lot of homework but I finished it up quicker than I thought I would. The majority of the work came from a project I am currently doing in Human Geography. I'm researching the effects of the introduction of livestock ranching on the agriculture of the time. It's a very interesting topic. Besides my homework, I had a relatively calm and relaxing day, which I'm grateful for.

  587 Hits

January 13th

Today was a really good day. I did my requirements, practiced guitar and did my homework pretty early in the day. My oldest brother came by to eat dinner and to hang out a little bit. We had a really fun time just talking and playing video games. He recently went back to his apartment so I'm writing this now.

  606 Hits

January 12

I've had a really fun day today. Woke up early to get some chores out of the way early, then headed to blackbelt class; after a successful class I went to eat lunch with my family. It was delicious. I then headed home to practice guitar and set up a classic game console, the SNES, I bought Monday I have been waiting all week to be able to use. After playing some of the same games that my father introduced me too as a kid, I ate dinner. I'm now righting this and i'll soon be going to watch a movie with my family.

  589 Hits

January 8th

I came home from school today and ate a snack, practiced guitar and got ready for sparring class today. Sparring class was really fun; I came home and did my requirements. I've finished my homework now and am getting ready for bed. I've had an uneventful day, usually those are the best days. 

  559 Hits

January 7

Today was fun, I did well in school and did my requirements when I got home. I soon found myself helping my family prepare dinner for a family friend that came over for dinner today. After dinner I finished my homework, which luckily I didn't have very of, then I practiced guitar. Now I'm writing this and am winding down to sleep for tomorrow.

  563 Hits

January 6

Today's been pretty quite and very unproductive, at least until recently. After a good meal I finished up my homework for Monday. With my requirements out of the way this morning, I had plenty of free time. For my new skill for the cycle I decided to learn the guitar, today I made a very large leap in my ability to play the instrument, I've finally begun to be able to switch between a few cords fairly well and am hopefully on track for mastering the first of many songs in the future. 

  553 Hits

January 5th

I had a fun day today, I finished my daily requirements early. After a short trip around town for some errands I spent the majority of my day with my brother, who is leaving to go back to college early in the morning. He only comes home on the long breaks so it was really nice to see him and be able to spend time with him.

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January 1st

Today was my first day back from school since the break. It was nice being able to see all my friends and teachers again, although skeptical about what the new semester brings, I know that I will be able to handle anything that it throws at me. My brothers have come home from college for the break; I impatiently awaited spending my time with them as I arrived home. 

  596 Hits

January 4

My second day back to school from the break. My teachers have abandoned their lax methods with attempts to start us into full overdrive for finals in May. I took my first kick boxing class today at King Tiger, very exhausting but none the less I really enjoyed it. 

  581 Hits

January 1st

Today was my first day back from school since the break. It was nice being able to see all my friends and teachers again, although skeptical about what the new semester brings, I know that I will be able to handle anything that it throws at me. My brothers have come home from college for the break; I impatiently awaited spending my time with them as I arrived home. After hanging out, I spent my time at King Tiger, did my daily cycle requirements, and I'm now settling down for bed.

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