
Aakarshit Arya

Member since: Friday, 10 January 2025
Last Visit: Monday, 24 February 2025
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

2/24/2025 23/50

Fallout 3 is the most interesting in the franchise because of all of it's problems. Fallout 1 & 2 are good games. new vegas is the best fallout game ever. fallout 4 has the best gameplay. fallout 76 is just kind of meh. Fallout 3 is the worst because of the way that it adapts everything is done terribly, the story makes no sense,& the characters are boring.

  1 Hits

2/23/2025 22/50

I missed another day somehow. I am logging this right before I go on a run. The game fallout new vegas has 4 dlc's. Dead Money has you in a survival horror bank hiest where get to steal tons of money. Honest hearts is tribal warfare. Old World Blues is a homage to 1950's sci-fi. Lonesome road is a cathartic end to the players journey.

  34 Hits

2/21/2025 21/50

I got to go to the other school today. I got to see master foster. The last person to see is master knight. I enjoy the way that people light up when they see something they love. When you see something you like you release oxytocin & other neurotransmitters. This can be released in many ways.

  22 Hits

2/20/2025 20/50

2/5ths of the way through the journals! We are getting closer & I am happy for that. There are many great ways to use a computer but the only problem is which operating system to use. Mac fits nice in a walled garden. Windows is always farmiliar. Linux is free & open source. all are good options.

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2/19/2025 19/50

I have started my dietary chalange by doing the dash diet. Today has been fun due to not having school or tkd. I still obviously had virtual work but it wasn't that bad. Tomorow I have a 2 hour delay for school which is bad. This week is nearly over.

  33 Hits

2/18/2025 18/50

I do not enjoy how everybody nags at me. I unfortunately have to deal with 3 of these people because they all think I can do what they want when they want to. If they had an iota of understanding for how I feel they would see that I just need time to plan the way I like. The way I like has me chunking & giving breaks. Also apparently I'm supposed to know everything about what they want. They leave my sister the spinnach on the counter & she knows to cut it, but that seems highly illogical because maybe you don't want cut spinach or maybe it went bad or maybe you're about to use it. so why would it make sense to cut the spinach shen you see it on the counter instead of just telling me.

  50 Hits

2/17/2025 17/50

today has been funny. the problem is that I had shortened class because of testing on wednesday. I enjoy the knowledge that frauds are found out. Because when they are it always leads to something better. My problem is that it's easy to become a fraud. Famous frauds include Andrew Wakefield(Caused the anti-vaxx & Vaccines cause autism movment), Victor Lusting(sold the eifile tower), & Melissa Caddick(ponzi schemes)

  62 Hits

2/16/2025 16/50

I am terrible at bieng creative. I am doing good in the cycle & now I have to get to work on branching out. The cycle has proven as expected, difficult but fair. the next thing I have to work on is getting a protoge. so I'll work on that. bye!

  77 Hits

2/15/2025 15/50

I got to relax, Finally. Today I had black belt class & then I was free so I did that & had my fun. I now sit writing this after a day spent relaxing & playing video games. I haven't gotten a chance to relax all week so I am very satisfied. The only thing to make this better is if I could bake stuff.

  59 Hits

2/14/2025 14/50

valentines day! Valentines day is well known for sucking for singles but today was actually fun. I listened to bad love songs on repeat, watching my friends with significant others, & ran to class. If I ever had the chance to do valentines day I would spend time with the person drink coffee with the person, listen to bad music with them, have food with them, & eat cake in bed with them. idk what people do on valentines day.

  34 Hits

2/13/2025 13/50

I am late again & can't afford to be. Today is fun but I had 2 classes yestarday. today we will have house guests who I enjoy having. We are going to have pav bajhi. pav bajhi is vegetables with spices ground together & served with toasted bread rolls. This will be fun

  38 Hits

2/11/2025 12/50

Today has been good. Tomorow I have bio & ela. I was able to my taekwondo easily today & tomorow I have something new planned. I also notice that it has been raining alot which makes getting out of bed hard because would you rather be in a cold room or in a warm bed? I hope tomorow will be exiting.

  39 Hits

2/10/2025 12/50

I am officially sick but that won't stop me. today I have to run 4 miles which took 50 mina to run but was still quite fun. I spent most of today watching tv because I was bored. Luckily monday is tomorow so I get to see my freinds. Today was fun.

  47 Hits

2/8/2025 11/50

I feel sick today & it will probably get worse. but I have good news today because I'm going to optimist hall with my family. Today I had to to my taekwondo which is 2 miles of running, my saturday blackbelt class, & my normal practice. I eventually got done with practice at 6 pm & me & my family went to optimist hall. We got dumplings, paneer kebabs, vegan ramen, chicken wrap,& pizza. it was fun.

  48 Hits

2/7/2025 10/50

this is my 10th journal & I am 1/5 of the way through. Today was normal for school but there was something new in band. In band a senior had to direct because our director was out at county band with a few other students. We had a short class so for the last 30 mins We got to relax.

  60 Hits

2/6/2025 8/50

Today has been weird. due to my grandmother living with us for 6 months I will now used a bathroom that will be in the basement. It's only temporary for 6 months so that is good. Today I had my first math quiz of the year & I got a 28/30 so I understand it well. from what I can tell our next math book with be unit 3/4 & cover geometrey.

  43 Hits

2/4/2025 7/50

Today I was able to relax because of the fact I had no pe today. Today my dad comes home from Raleigh from work training. I did all of my tkd for today back to back so I was very tired before we left. when my dad got home he brought a cup of m&ms & chocolate covered pretzels. it was a good day

  41 Hits

2/2/2025 6/5

Today is the last day before Monday. I have to run 3 miles which I did in 30 minutes. I enjoy the running because I have an iPod which as a 32-bit device can handle 2 tb of storage. The news is crazy with cutbacks & measures across the board due to the president.  

  47 Hits

2/1/2025 6/50

today is Saturday. I did mt tkd & went on a 4-mile run. I had fun & listened to music on the way. I don't understand taxes because why would the government who knows what you own not tell you & companies make you pay for software to tell you how much you owe? that is all.

  39 Hits

1/30/2025 5/50

It is Friday so I get to go home & I have exiting things. My sister is going to her first rotc military ball with other schools. When I get home I am done with this week of the cycle so I am closer the last 2 things I need are a mentee & the dropbox link so I am nearly done!

  54 Hits

1/30/2025 4/50

I went home after today & did practice after school but changed up the order. I had fun at school but unfortunatley my math teacher will not be there. She left videos for us to do. My math class is looking very fun & I am exited to learn more. Have a nice day.

  40 Hits

1/29/2025 3/50

today I had to wait at the library till 3:30 so I got home at 4:00 & class was at 4:30 so I had to do practice between classes. I got a total of 5 signatures today for sparing, blackbelt class, 2 for helping in class, & 1 from my mentor. we did staff & stick form 1 as well as warang.

  46 Hits

1/28/2025 2/50

today it was a new semester, so I had a new 1st block which was math. My teacher is nice, and we are going to do work tomorrow because today was for getting to know each other. I then went home and as unable to go to taekwondo due to my mother's inexperience in driving. Instead, I did my work & did a mile long run. from there I did the rest of the work for my cycle. as if now, I have to take out the trash & take a shower soon.

  42 Hits

1/19/2025 10/50

It is the day before I might not be at school. on one hand I would be having fun at home. on the other hand, I would be away from my friends. I also want to do my midterms I am excited due to my midterms as I get to complete fun puzzles.

  106 Hits

1/20/2025 9/50

there was no school today due to snow which was fun to note. as such I stayed home. at home I made breakfast & lunch before heading to taekwondo class. the class was fun & it was the first class of the week. the week seems to be going well, I hope it is going well.

  79 Hits

1/21/2025 8/50

I had my AP Gov & English midterms. AP Gov was about the constitution, which is complex, but I remember most of the clauses. English is different because it is about how the text works & how it proves things & makes its points. I did well on both midterms which was good to hear.

  73 Hits

1/22/2025 7/50

I had my biology & my pe midterm. my pe midterm was fine but it was mostly just the thing we always did. Biology was fun because it was easy & simple. After I got home, me & my sister had a behind the wheel lesson with my dad. after that I had taekwando which was fun.

  36 Hits

1/23/2025 6/50

Today I took my ap computer science & band midterms. My band midterm was first & it went well. The band midterm was actually just us playing several scales, recording it, & posting it on canvas. I got an 85 because I had problems with my accidentals. My computer science midterm went well with me getting an 88, it was a fun test.

  61 Hits

1/24/2025 5/50

Today I woke up at 11 because today I had no school because it was a workday. I spent the day relaxing & spending time with my family after my parents got done with work. After that I cleaned the bathroom because there was dust. I did research on one person who I admire (possible essay topic). it was a mediocre day.

  59 Hits

1/25/2025 4/50

I woke up & went to my black belt class. After I got home, I did instrument class after for 1 hour. I then went & watched tv before I went & made lunch. in the evening, I took a nap before I did my taekwondo work. I began writing my essay on my dead hero before I went to sleep.

  48 Hits

1/26/2025 3/50

Today I woke up at 12 for my dad's birthday. we cut the cake & all had a piece. I went back to sleep & woke up at 8 am. I most memorable part of the day was going on a 3.5 mile run for the cycle which was fun. I then went home where I ate lunch. My parents then went to Costco to get my dad's birthday present (an iPad) for work. We also spent the day having fun & talking before we all went to sleep.

  83 Hits

1/17/2025 2/50

I woke up & got ready for school by getting my stuff & doing the dishes. I went to school & took my French III final. I stayed in that class the entire day & then went home. I relaxed & prepared for the weekend by getting all my clothes for laundry & doing the dishes.

  93 Hits

1/50 1/27/2025

Today we had school off due to snow days & midterm makeups.  I woke up at 8 am & brushed my teeth before going downstairs & making breakfast of toast. I then wrote down my expected work time is week 3 of my journal. I headed to help with class at 5:50 & I helped with class. I then did my class at 6:40. I went home & prepared for school tomorrow. I then had dinner & went to bed.

  51 Hits