By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Thursday, 08 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Up, Down, All Around

Tonight was color belt testing.  I didn't get to get any mileage in because of Debbie so I was glad that things lightened up in time to go to the dojang.  Unfortunately, in my rush to get out the door, I left my book at home and had to turn around to get it.  Testing went a bit faster than normal - I guess we just had fewer kids testing.

We had one new BoCho Dan tonight - and this one was just barely out of solid white belt when we were on our first Cycle back in 2021.  It's weird seeing kids who were just starting out get to the end of color belt curriculum.  There are fewer and fewer people that probably remember us from before we tested for our First Dan.  Most people only know us as Black Belts and Instructors.

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