By Zayne Mojica on Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Tuesday Journal Entry

Im up way to late, I have to get to sleep. Today was a normal day, seminary at 6AM, school at 8AM, track practice at 4PM, Taekowndo at 6PM. Home, physical fitness, at track I got in almost 4 miles today. Tomorrow is a track meet, and I'm entered to run the 200m and 400m, so tomorrow will be a long day, we get out of school early at 1:15 and take a team bus, the meet is in Waxhaw about an hour drive, the meets end around 8, so the team will stop to get something to eat probably on the way back, and the bus gets back to the school around 10PM, that is a typical meet. Sometimes the meets are farther away, and we just get back much later. 

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