By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Monday, 26 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Travelling Without Moving

This morning I got up and took our eldest to an appointment and just barely missed getting back in time for a meeting.  I had already let the team know I wasn't going to be able to make it so it was OK.  And then every time I thought I was done with a task, something else showed up.  I did get a lot done and we're getting our checklists for quarterly releases into much better shape.  Our new QA has turned out to be quite a good find.

I also got my allergy shots and they realized that they're out of my serum so no more shots until they get more in.  No idea how long that'll take but, ironically, this is when I'm just a couple of increases away from maintenance dosage so this should be interesting, especially if they have to drop me down to repeat a shot.

Tonight I helped with class and worked on Sam Jang with some students.  I think they were doing pretty well, especially the ones that hadn't seen it before.  Then in our class we also did poomsae and worked through a bunch of different ones, ending with doing Koryo alongside the BoCho Dans.

Gabe made a great dinner while I knocked out 1.5 miles on the new treadmill.  It's certainly not up to the same level of quality as the ones at the gym but this will make it a lot easier to pick up a mile or two during the day or evening and certainly avoid the problem of rain or darkness.

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