By Brian Foster on Thursday, 23 February 2017
Category: Candidate Journals


Floods in California, spring in February, snow storms raging up north. What an odd winter we are having. I just got off the phone with my parents who live in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California, and they are finally enjoying a couple of sunny days after weeks of constant down pours. The highway that connects them to the town has been shut down due to flooding. It's been a crazy mess there. And the funny thing is, California has been suffering from a severe drought for the last decade. I'm not sure if I admire my parents living and staying in California or think they are just idiots. The state of rolling blackouts, super high taxes, earthquakes, forest fires, mud slides, and now, major flooding, and they want to live there? I grew up there, and it is a beautiful area. Great weather, the beach, great skiing, and lots to do. But after living a good many places around the US, I have never been more happy than right here in North Carolina. A place that people still say sir and ma'am, please and thank you, and best of all, God bless you. Too many things spur from California and creep this way, and most of them do not provide a moral and healthy family life. But I hope and pray that the people are safe over there. Regardless of where you live, who you are, we are brother and sisters. Perhaps, not your favorite brother or sister, but still related.

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