By Brian Foster on Monday, 15 February 2016
Category: Candidate Journals

To my wife

She saved my soul, she save my appetite, always with me, usually without a fight.

She gave me her best, she shared with me her worst, never doubting that our love will stand the test.

She went through the pain, of giving me the gift, of two wild orangutans, that never rest.

She stood by me, when times were tough, when I couldn't come home, cause duty was a must.

She never wavered, she never faltered, her love burn bright, like a lighthouse that I entrust.

So here's to her, my wife, my love, for all the years, until I turn to dust.

I'm not a big Valentines guy, but I wanted to tell the world or at least my friends, that my Katherine is one awesome woman. So hopefully I cherish her more than one day a year. I remember the days when she sat at home alone when I was in the military waiting for me to come home. I couldn't tell her where I was going, or when I was coming home. And it takes a truly strong individual to put up with that kind of lifestyle. What can I say, she's the best.

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