By Courtney Benson on Thursday, 11 January 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Self-Defense, Sparing, & Skating

I reviewed hapkido 1-6 today and Sipjin. There so much to learn, evening at this degree. Master Evins showed me the King Tiger app and where I can watch the hopkido forms. I still need to review them with partner. I've been practicing color belt self-defense on my own, but during class today, it was the first time I've done them with someone sense the cycle starts. 

Sparring was great, my endurance feels good, and it can only improve if I keep training and recovering right. For, example I probably could have more energy if I brought a snack and not have the last thing be on my stomach ice cream.

I remember the first sparring class I took after recovering from hyperthyroidism. After months of being out of breath and fatigue, it felt good to exercise and have the energy to do it. And while i was still out of breath after sparring, the tiredness felt different, in a good way.

After sparring I when to my roller-skating group. Tonight was birthday night and we celebrated everyone who had a January birthday with pies and cheesecake. Then we rolled around uptown charlotte for the night. So fun!

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