By Gabrielle Rosenthal-Ayres on Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Sweaty and covered in grass

I feel like I have spent the whole day sweaty.  Took Samuel to an appointment this morning and while I was waiting for him to finish up I worked on requirements in the waiting room (it was just Rachael and me there so I didn't have to be concerned about being stared at).  Then we went to the gym for an hour of spin class, then home to try and cut the grass before it rained.  It looked like the clouds were building a bit so I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the pool before the storms hit.  So more sitting outside, covered in sweat, with little pieces of grass in my hair and over my skin.  Then helping with class, taking class and PMAA class after that.  I had forgotten just how sweaty you can be ALL.  DAY.  LONG.  

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