By Zayne F. Mojica on Monday, 17 February 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Sunday Journal Entry

Yesterday my day starts by going to church. When I got home I did my laundry, and went for a run. I didn't keep exact track of my run, but from my apartment I ran all the way up Old Statesville past Davidson, and then I saw a pizza shop and I realized I went to far and was in Moorsville. I turned around, when I got home my dad told me that I did about 16 miles. I was using my phone to listen to music which I never did before so I think I just got distracted and ran to far. I never got tired, but I was jogging and not running very hard. I did the rest of my exercises later in the day before bed, and spent most of the day doing school assignments. There is no school today, so I slept in late. 

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