By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Tuesday, 06 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Stuck, Stick, Unstuck

Today I spent almost the whole day in the office and was busy enough that there really wasn't time to work on requirements.  I'm glad I've got so much to do and our team is growing like it is but back in 2021 when I was preparing to test for 1st Dan, it was much easier to get a workout in, interspersed through the day.  After finishing up what I needed to do, I came home, tried to get some more work done before 5pm, and then had to figure out what to do next.  Unfortunately, requirements weren't in the cards because we had to get our stuff together and head down to the dojang.

We had our regular class tonight and then PMAA for testing.  I think we did OK-ish but it could have gone a lot better.  Most of us in class are also on the Cycle so it's hard to fit in extra training around all the requirements and classes.  Gabe and I did practice over the last couple of days when we've had time but I guess it wasn't quite enough to allow us to shine like we hoped.  Now we're done with that section and the next testing shouldn't be until after Black Belt testing so, hopefully, it won't be quite so chaotic.

After we got home, we had dinner and then it was time for requirements.  I don't really like doing them this late but sometimes that's just the way it goes.  It's either do them now or try to figure out how to catch them up on another day - and I don't want to go down that dangerous path.  Tomorrow's another day and it can worry about itself.

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