By Courtney Benson on Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Squirrel Situation

I’ve been having consistent problems with squirrels and my plants. Earlier this year when my blueberry bush was growing blueberries, they vandalize the Bush. They snagged branches, and stole almost all the berries. Currently they’ve been digging in the bedding, and pulling leaves off my raspberry bush. Just recently, I planted succulents in the cactus, they destroyed the succulents and the cactus is missing! 

I just don’t know what to do with them, my neighbors keep feeding them so they always stay close. My patio is right next to the tree they live in. My poor plants are being vandalize by these scoundrel squirrels.

I guess I need to get a netting for them, or we have to enclose the whole patio. I don’t know what to do.

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