By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Sunday, 04 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Sick Day

We had an illness issue this morning so we didn't make our usual trip to the park for training.  Once that was resolved, we got on with our day and did the usual weekend shopping.  While Gabe took our daughter to Zumba at the gym, I went out and knocked out almost two miles.  I probably shouldn't have worn jeans but I didn't feel like changing and then changing back.

One they got home we had some food and finished up our shopping for the week.  Then it was time to start dinner and knock out some physical requirements.  After dinner we were informed that someone threw up so we had to stop for a bit to deal with that and then finish up requirements for the night.  Hopefully that's it for everyone feeling sick for a while.

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