It's interesting how there are days where surreal things do in fact happen out of the blue, but more often than not, they are outlandish in a bad way. The days where things that are surreal in a good way are much fewer, and much more far between. Surreal things that we want to see often take a lot of work to achieve. They don't just happen out of nowhere, and they unfortunately are fewer and farther between. Things that are outlandishly bad that you don't want to believe happen just happen. And they're way more frequent. And the work comes after, to try to make things go back to normal. Although, normal is a relative term. The normal that I had here so far has been pretty short, depending on how you define it. If I am to define it from when I was anticipating Tiger Claw and the demo, then normal would have been about 2 months after settling in to where I am at now. Or, for me, normal could be the 5 preceding years, where life was somewhat more straightforward. Both normals seem out of reach at this point. And whatever this normal is that I seem to have right now isn't exactly what I was aiming for at the beginning of the year, when I was looking to greater heights.