By Gabrielle Rosenthal-Ayres on Monday, 29 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Monday is for color belt class

I know, I know, it's senior tigers/wang ho class, but I personally prefer to it as color belt class.  The irony is that pretty much the two front lines are bochos and higher, which I find particularly awesome.  When we first started TKD pretty much no black belts came to the Monday evening class save one or two.  I remember being towards the back of the class watching the higher belts go through their forms and thinking "How do they remember all that?!?". Well, now I know-lots of time dedicated to practicing, watching, learning, and asking questions.  I think of this class as my original class because it's the one I started in, so it's near and dear to me.  At one point the class had dwindled to only a handful of us, and there was concern that the class may not have enough people to continue.  Thankfully it has grown, and grown with not only more color belts but black belts as well.  Black is still a color, right?  It will always be color belt class.

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