By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Sunday, 18 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Meet, Eat, Feet

This morning, we dragged ourselves out of bed and headed to the park for some practice.  Not a good place to roll or fall but we can't still all work together on self defenses.  We also did some weapons forms before everyone broke up.  Later we went to the gym and I managed to do an hour on the treadmill.

I still don't feel quite right but I think I'm doing a lot better.  I really wonder if between trying to maintain my normal eating and recovering from being sick if I just haven't been getting enough calories to sustain myself on the Cycle.  I feel a lot more normal today but I've also been eating like a crazed maniac. 

I think I'm slated to teach class tomorrow - or at least help out - depending on who else shows up.  Gonna be a lot of kicking this week so I'd better be prepared.

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