By Courtney Benson on Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Matcha Lattes. Learning w/ Videos

Today I made matcha tea for the first time. I'm excited to keep working on it and trying different recipes. I really want to work on enhancing my drink making skills (coffee, tea, etc.). While I was drinking it, I find a few videos on YouTube on how improve the flavor and different add-ons. 

I worked on poomsaes using the Kukkiwon Youtube. I only review Il, Eh, and Sam. 

Ms. Suzanne and I worked on hopkido 4 last Saturday with guidance from the Grandmaster Lees demo video and in person guidance from Instructor Jen. I didn't think I could learn hopkido from reviewing videos, but after watching hopkido 5 today, multiple times, I feel comfortable with the steps. I'll still need to practice it in person and with an instructor for technique, but at least I'm more familiar about it. Hopikdo it not my favorite thing to practice, so learning it can be a bit overwhelming.  

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