By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Saturday, 24 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Lost and Found

It's Saturday which means Black Belt class.  We had to be in a bit early because the 2nd Dans and higher we told to be there by 8am.  Unfortunately Gabe left her Cycle book at home in our rush to get out but I guess that's only fair because I left my hogu in the dojang after sparring on Frida because of our rush to leave so Instructor Max could lock up and get out.

For class we started out working on our forms which was nice to get some extra attention and then when 8:15 hit, the actual class started.  We did a lot of rolling and also wound up doing BoCho Dan special - so let's add some falling to those rolls.  It was kind of exhausting but good in that Master Evins was able to really explain some of the finer details of the techniques.

After class Gabe worked with her mentee and I practiced forms.  Then we hung out for a bit and waited for the Muay Thai class.  We had to leave a bit early and, in my rush to get out, I think I left my book at the dojang.  I guess it's just going to be that kind of a weekend.  Gabe photocopied her Week 7 pages for me so I could record everything until I get my hands back on my book.  After lunch finished up our daily requirements and got on with the regular weekend activities like shopping.  This evening we went out for dinner for my birthday and now it's time to get ready for bed.  Sunday's requirements are just around the corner.

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