By Lisa Petrin on Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

LMP July 30

Today I got up, did my requirements....I am getting better at burpies. I can get 15 in 2 minutes, as compared to my 6 at pretest. I also did my situps, and can get about 20ish in 2 minutes.  Plank seems to be the easiest thing for me.  Pull ups for me may not happen,  however,  I work daily with my resistant band to build up my muscles.  

I wish I had someone to do my stuff with. It would be nice to practice my self defense with someone Aldo going through the cycle....or even the requirements to push me or cheer me on. For those of you who have parents, guardians,  siblings, spouses, ect taking this journey with you, be thankful, be happy, and appreciate it.....because it's a lonely journey when you do everything alone daily. 

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