By Lisa Petrin on Saturday, 27 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

LMP July 27

Today I got up and went to my blackbelt class.  We reviewed our poomsaes then did some double stick swalis.  After blackbelt,  I had my juniors / Littles class. Only two little ones today. 

Then Master Dege and I had a mentor / mentee session. We reviewed self-defense white through high green.  I wrote then down on index  cards after asking whete to find them on the KT app. 

I'm going to be sore tomorrow because I didn't realize that some of our physical requirements went up in minutes, and so I'm trying to play catch up.  

Since the Olympics are going on, I may try to get more of my required book completed tomorrow and possibly go without my phone for 12 hours...not hard considering I'm not on it all day long....

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