By Alyssa Marie Stevens on Sunday, 01 March 2015
Category: Candidate Journals

Instructors Camp!!!

Instructors Camp was sooooooo fun!!! I really want to do it again next year! I learned so many new things;  but one of the main things that got brought up over and over and over again, was about being enthusiastic when helping and teaching in class. I will definitely try to be more enthusiastic!, I love helping everyone, but I guess sometimes I can be a little down about certain things. I also learned about helping people when they are not in a good mood and when they don't really feel like being there. I LOVED using the stocks with Master Evins; he made it so fun to learn and watch! Another thing I really loved was sparring class, we did not end up doing much, because we lost track of time, but I still had a lot of fun with Master Alphin! It was so cool to see him do certain moves, and then teach and help us do certain moves. While I was in sparring class Instructor Dong (who was helping) pointed out to me, that when I did a certain kick I stepped with my front foot first and then kicked with my back leg; I was not supposed to do that, and I did not realize that I even did that before he pointed it out, so thanks Instructor Dong, I will definitely work on that. Overall going to Instructors Camp was AWESOME!!! If you did not go, I would highly recommend it next time. I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

Comment if you want, about how Instructors Camp went for you!

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