By Jakob Reische on Sunday, 13 July 2014
Category: Candidate Journals

I've got nothing

To tell the truth today was great but nothing to interesting to talk about me and my dad hung out in the pool in our backyard which is always a great time and I went out for dinner with my family and it was delicious. I am excited to start working summer camp tomorrow at my dojang (I don't remember what the theme is whoops) none the less I am stoked it should be tons of fun for all I know I am the only one helping but I hope my friend Tommy who is a year older than me will be there helping as well but he probably has other commitments and I respect that. After that I am helping with all the classes and taking black belt class rinse and repeat switching regular class for black belt class on Tuesday. That is pretty much it I am signing off since I have to wake up and go running early tomorrow  so I'm ready by 8:30 to leave for the dojang.

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