By Brian Foster on Monday, 06 February 2017
Category: Candidate Journals

healthy lifestyle

Today, I will ease your pain of my silly antics and pass along some important advice form a doctor who I have really learned to respect and admire for his persistence in real health (verses take these pills). The physician practice comes in all shapes and sizes to fit everyone's agenda. But real health and preventive health is rarely desired. Mr Magryta from Salisbury Pediatrics is one of the few that stand out. He has a monthly newsletter which you can prescribe to and I highly recommend you do at

Because I feel that this newsletter can help with your families health now and in the future, I will copy a small part of today's newsletter. We all know great physicians, like our own Dr. Brandon. So those of you who have children, I think you will find these challenging and interesting. Challenge what you think is true of health and medicine. Don't stop at the 1 + 1 = 2 diagnose because our bodies are more complex than that. I hope I have help someone out there.

1) The latest CDC statistics regarding sugar beverage consumption are out and they are still not good. Fully 2/3 of children consume a sugar laden beverage daily with 20% of them consuming 2 per day and 10% slugging down three or more! Both boys and girls consumed over 7% of their daily calories as a beverage. They also found that older children consumed more of these beverages than their younger brethren. 
Try and reduce the amount of sugar laden beverages that pass your child's lips by not having any in the house. 
2) Microplastics in fish. Just when we thought that we had enough issues with health and a toxic environment, we now have a new issue. Small pieces of plastic material are being found in the tissue/meat of ocean and lake fish that we consume. The significance of this issue is still being researched but likely will not be good. 
Reduce plastic waste by recycling, choosing healthy products without micro beads of plastic. 
Dr. M
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