By Meg Rumble on Friday, 06 September 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

End of 8

Today I went to the Amazon warehouse for my 3:15 am shift, and there were no packages to deliver, due to no trucks coming in, so I got paid for doing nothing. Hooray! I came home and wrote an essay, then studied for my GCP (Google Cloud Platform) exam for a couple of hours. When the sun came up, I did my run, then did my requirements. Work was pretty easy today, a couple of meetings and just some small bug fixes. I went to Blackbelt class tonight, but couldn't make it to rolls and falls because Dylan doesn't get home from school until 5:00. It's ok though. We're able to practice at home because we have a room with a padded floor. Looking forward to the kick-a thon tomorrow.

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