By Dominic Dreiman on Friday, 14 March 2025
Category: Candidate Journals

Dreiman, Dominic - All 50 Taekwondo Journal Entries

1/13 Dreiman, Dominic #1

Today was was pretty low activity I mostly was just playing messing around then I went out to play basketball my mom joined in then I texted my friend that's in Madrid Spain he didn't respond then sat in my room for a little bit then went to taekwondo when I got home I made grilled cheese sandwiches and ate then sat In my room till I fell asleep.

1/14 Dreiman, Dominic #2

So to day is new Year's Eve I wake up eat breky then go to my room to chill then in a few hours I go to visit my dad at work we eat lunch together then me and my mom drive home in different cars sense my sister wants dessert then I get home we make a fire in our backyard me and my sister cook shrimp that's our dinner then our family watches a movie me and my sis wait till new years then I go to bed.

1/15 Dreiman, Dominic #3

It's the new year I wake up go eat then talk to about how the new year is going to be then we go on a walk together when we get home my dad offers to make chicken nuggets so of course I say yes then I go play basketball for 3 hours come back in eat dinner which is steak we eat and go to bed

1/16 Dreiman, Dominic #4

so today I wake up eat go sit in my room for awhile then eat again then go play basketball after I eat dinner then go to taekwondo then get home and go to bed

1/17 Dreiman, Dominic #5

so today I wake up sit on my phone eat go play basketball for 3hours then eat sit in my room play cards eat dinner and go to bed

1/20 Dreiman, Dominic #6

so today I wake up eat go to my first basketball practice then I get to go to the jump park with my friend theo he also does taekwondo then go home he goes home then I eat dinner then go to bed

1/21 Dreiman, Dominic #7

So today I really just woke up ate sat in my room then I went outside to play basketball, then came back in for lunch sat In my room for a long long while. Then had dinner sat on my phone the. Fell asleep.

1/22 Dreiman, Dominic #8

So today was pretty fun school got cancelled because of the snow and also I got to play games with my friends then I went to taekwondo then to basketball then went home to eat then sleep

1/23 Dreiman, Dominic #9

Today was a back to school day, so I get up get ready and blast to school my first class is PE I'm doing pickleball 🥒 then I go to my next class math then recess lunch then Spanish then English then visual arts then study then finally go home.

1/24 Dreiman, Dominic #10

I was not ready to get outta bed but sometimes u gotta do it anyway I get up get changed go to school at school I won gaga ball and for lunch they had chicken sandwiches then I did more classes then finally came home then went to taekwondo ate dinner and went to bed

1/27 Dreiman, Dominic #11

So today was ok. I was just bored at school were we are doing biz town stuff school. It was kind slow but enjoyed recess and playing with friends at recess. 

1/28 Dreiman, Dominic #12

So here's what happened to say I woke up ate some biscuits and hoped on tom Clancy rainbow six siege with my friends because we have today off after that I go eat biscuits for lunch then I get back on siege play soccer in my backyard then go to soccer practice get home eat dinner sit around and go to bed

1/29 Dreiman, Dominic #13

Same as yesterday, I still have flu and am blowing my nose and coughing a lot. I do my school work during the day when I feel better and take naps sometimes. I will try to practice some forms today if I have energey. Nap time.

1/30 Dreiman, Dominic #14

so today started off by me being not being sick and going to school I had math and English in math intergers and English I'm writing a personal narrative about a incident that happend in a RV today I had to miss soccer but I will be ready for all of my sports to come.

1/31 Dreiman, Dominic #15

Today started off by me waking up at 6:00am and eating and then going to school we had a math test that I think I did ok on and after we had this thing called winter social which me and my friends played flag football and basketball. Then my dad pick me up to go to taekwondo at Harrisburg and go home and that's my day.

2/3 Dreiman, Dominic #16

So here's what happened to say I woke up ate some biscuits and hoped on tom Clancy rainbow six siege with my friends because we have today off after that I go eat biscuits for lunch then I get back on siege play soccer in my backyard then go to soccer practice get home eat dinner sit around and go to bed

2/4 Dreiman, Dominic #17

So today I went to school btw I skipped breakfast 

went to school and had band in the morning went well was great worked on Beethoven ninth practice sheet and other things then went to history ate shrimp for lunch then I went to Chinese then science I'm studying magnesium but then school was up I went home then ate then I went to taekwondo then home to sleep.

2/5 Dreiman, Dominic #18

So today I went to school. My first subject today was PE. I'm starting indoor soccer. Also. PE was very fun. Then after PE I went to mass. We're learning integers in math. Also, my other subject was English. We're writing our personal narrative. She gave me some things to work on but I was able to make some fixes. Hopefully I'll get it right next time. And then I went to taekwondo when I got home. Went to basketball luckily to make it to the taekwondo. A friend had to take me but he was able to did black belt and then came home. How the little snack went to bed and that's my day

2/6 Dreiman, Dominic #19

So today I woke ate went to school today I had History and science we start with band though so then when I got home I went to taekwondo came home and slept 

2/7 Dreiman, Dominic #20

So today I woke up ate a breakfast sandwich then hit the road to school today I have math and English but first I have PE then after school I go home for a little then go to taekwondo at Harrisburg then come home and sleep

2/8 Dreiman, Dominic #21

So today I had my flag football tournament I was the green team so first we played all the teams we were second best then came the playoffs we lost but then beat red to stay alive then lost to blacks on team then got home ate lunch sat on my phone went to bed and that's my day

2/9 Dreiman, Dominic #22

So today I woke up ate a banana and went to soccer I scored then came home and ate steak for lunch it was delicious then I went to a friend's house to watch the super bowl then came home took a shower and slept

2/10 Dreiman, Dominic #23

Today was a great day it started out by me eating breakfast today my friend porter had a buddy that he had to show around to day I had science and history then came home went to soccer went home and went to bed

2/11 Dreiman, Dominic #24

So today I had math where we are learning integers and getting ready for a test. I also had PE where we got to play soccer.After school, I was going to have soccer but sadly it got canceled because of the freezing rain and that was my day.

2/12 Dreiman, Dominic #25

Woke up to a cold Wednesday this morning. Today I have every single class, but mostly thinking about math integer exam. I also had to work on science where we are working on this superhero element or super villain element project. I am the evil Montague mg magnesium. After school, I assisted in Taekwondo, then had basketball practice, then was back to taekwondo for Black Belt class.

2/13 Dreiman, Dominic #26

Today was a Thursday but we have Friday off so it was basically a Friday to start off. I had PE in the morning we switch from indoor soccer and have started doing nitro ball. Nitro ball is kind of like volleyball, but you're supposed to let it bounce. In my opinion, indoor soccer is a little bit more fun, but I still had a great time after PE I had had English. I finished up my personal narrative, submitted it and got it finished after English. I had science. We're working on periodic table. Got that finished this week and for my last class. AKA well second to last class was math we had a test today but it was fine after math I had social studies. Finished up my writing response. I think I did very well. And yeah that was my day

2/14 Dreiman, Dominic #27

So today we got the day off and then I wake then Sit on my phone for a lil bit then play games with my friends then go play basketball then come eat dinner and go to bed

2/15 Dreiman, Dominic #28

Today I wake up get ready for my basketball game we win 33/12 then me and my dad go get waffle House then come home I play siege with some friends then go practice soccer until it starts raining again then sit inside and fall asleep

2/16 Dreiman, Dominic #29

To day I woke up then got ready to go to soccer on the car ride I work on my essays then we won 2/1 in our soccer game went home played siege then mini basketball then went out to eat I got steak then came home and slept and that's my day

2/17 Dreiman, Dominic #30

We got the day off for presidents day so I woke up got on with my friend Jack then went to study for my taekwondo essay then ate went outside to play basketball hopped back on then we went to pick my mom up from the airport and that's my day

2/18 Dreiman, Dominic #31

So today I wake up get ready to go to school eat breakfast then get to advisory then go to band after that I go to history then science then come home to soccer practice then eat do laundry and go to bed

2/19 Dreiman, Dominic #32

So today we got school off cause of the snow so me and my friend hop on siege then after that I eat then go play in the snow for a few hours then do my forms play outside come back in side play siege go to bed

2/20 Dreiman, Dominic #33

Today we had a school delay so I wake up at 7:00. Then after two hours we go to school then recess comes we play in the snow then I come home eat play sleep

2/21 Dreiman, Dominic #34

Today I wake up get ready for school eat then go this morning we have band after that I go to history then math then science then English then PE then come home go to taekwondo then come home and sleep

2/22 Dreiman, Dominic #35

Today I wake up then get on collage football then go to my basketball game then I invite a friend to waffle House we eat then come back to my place we play around once he leaves I go see mufasa the Lion King then come home and sleep

2/23 Dreiman, Dominic #36

This morning i wake up and eat then go back to bed then go play basketball after that i eat lunch then sit on my phone then play siege then soccer outside then come back inside eat play college football then go to bed.

2/24 Dreiman, Dominic #37

Today i wake up another school day i go eat breakfast then get ready for school my first class is band then i go to history we start studying leaders mine is Kubla Khan the grandson of ganghis khan then at recess i play basketball then go to science to study geology then go home then soccer then go to bed.

2/25 Dreiman, Dominic #38

So this morning i wake up then get ready for school my first class is Math we learn about plotting lines then we go to recess i play gaga ball then we go to english we do our homework then i go home eat go to soccer then come home eat again then sleep.

2/26 Dreiman, Dominic #39

So today I wake up go to school today I have history and science in science we do lahoots and blookets it was really fun then in history we worked on our speeches for our leaders then I came home went to taekwondo and basketball that's my day

2/27 Dreiman, Dominic #40

So today I wake up get ready for school go to English we don't really work on anything then go to math we study for our test then I come home do taekwondo then go back home and sleep

2/28 Dreiman, Dominic #41

Yay it's Friday I wake up get dressed and go to school this morning we have a play about beauty and the beast then go to all of our classes then I come home go to black belt class go eat then come home play basketball and sleep

3/1 Dreiman, Dominic #42

The weekend is here this morning I wake get ready to go to my last basketball game I go then I get A haircut then go in my backyard and play soccer for 4 hours come back in do chores eat sleep then get up play siege then sit on my phone and go to bed

3/2 Dreiman, Dominic #43

To day I woke up ate some pancakes went outside to play basketball came back in played video games with my friends then at two I went to sparring came home ate played games went to bed

3/3 Dreiman, Dominic #44

Today I woke up ate breakfast got ready and went to school today I had History science so then I go to band this morning then history then science then go to the hornets game with a friend 

3/4 Dreiman, Dominic #45

This morning I wake up go to school I have English and math today so I go to math we finish up then eat lunch go to English nothing to hard come home go to soccer eat go to bed

3/5 Dreiman, Dominic #46

Today I wake up go to school today is a Friday so I see all my classes first band then u get the point come home go to taekwondo for 5hours go home eat then sleep

3/6 Dreiman, Dominic #47

Today was a half day I wake up go to school today schelde is band PE a talk with middle school then leave I also had my conference then at two go to a friend's birthday party then come home eat play games go to bed

3/7 Dreiman, Dominic #48

Today we had Friday off we really didn't do anything West around until 5:00 where I went to taekwondo then came home ate food played video games went to bed

3/8 Dreiman, Dominic #49

So today I wake up, went to taekwondo then eat breakfast. After that, we went to a birthday party at my friend's house. We got sprayed with paint, then played lacrosse and that's my day.

3/9 Dreiman, Dominic #50

This morning I wake up go eat play video games then go outside play basketball then at 2:00 I go to sparring that wasn't supposed to happen then I come home eat then sleep.

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