By Rochelle Monique Brandon on Friday, 05 February 2016
Category: Candidate Journals

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Yoda The Empire Strikes Back

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Yoda The Empire Strikes Back


Ready to stop trying and just get it done. Pleased with myself tonight. Got in a lot of requirements (for me) and  practiced Koryo, stick and staff forms. Forgot both sticks and staff at the Do jang yesterday, so practiced with my hiking stick and my umbrella. Hey, whatever it takes.  


That above quote is one of my favorites from the Star Wars films. I’ve often caught myself using “try” as another way of saying “I can’t or I won’t” I’ve been “trying” the pull ups. But now I’m doing them (or at least I can do a modified pull up).  And I’m getting better. I can at least do a micro pull up and lift my weight off the floor for a few seconds. Woo hoo!


 Another favorite quote is from the same scene:


“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”

– Yoda


That scene and that quote still resonates with me. If I’m not careful, I’ll fail just because I don’t believe I can do it. How many times do we fail just because we lack faith in ourselves?

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