By Gabrielle Rosenthal-Ayres on Monday, 15 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Day three-whee!!!!

So today I'm not horribly sore, but I think this might be due to the Prednisone I'm taking due to hip bursitis.  I have four more days of that and I guess we'll see how things feel.  I can still feel the muscle fatigue though, so make so mistake I'm not speeding happily through this due to roids.  I ended up with a client today that went half through my lunch hour, so unfortunately I was not able to get my milage in so I'm planning on getting up tomorrow early and trying to walk in what seems to be passing as an oven outside before God turns up the heat to bake biscuits or whatever else is on the menu.  I'd also like to get some of the other requirements done early since I'm supposed to get an updated tetanus shot tomorrow (oh joy)!

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