It's been another weekday and therefore another internal fight over when to step away from my desk and practice. I did better today - I got most of my daily physical requirements done before lunch and finished the rest after. I'm still not happy with the timing but I know what I need to do.
This is day three of the dietary challenge. I picked something that I knew would be an actual challenge - I didn't want a cakewalk and a resulting cushy essay. But now I'm noticing just how many of my regular, everyday foods contain what I'm giving up, including most of my go-to snacks. I'm going to have to spend some time at the grocery figure out what's still safe to eat. It's not as bad as when I was vegan for a few years but, fortunately, I know how to cook and bake and might just have to give up what little free time I have making more things from scratch.
Today was Black Belt class at North Charlotte. I was already sweaty and exhausted from practicing while the previous class was in session but I got through it. And I know what I need to work on prior to Saturday.