By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Monday, 15 July 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Day 3

It's Monday and that means back to work.  Spent some time at home working on physical requirements (but no running in this heat - I'm not behind on mileage).  Since I was working, I had to stop here and there to knock out some stuff in my home office.  It beats when I was a bocho and was literally doing pushups, etc. on the office carpet IN the office.

Went to the dojang tonight and helped with class.  Then color belt class was great.  Lots of hard work and lots of sweat and I also learned I've been pulling a few kicks so I know what I need to work on.  Then home for dinner and some self defense practice before bed.  Hopefully tomorrow I can be up and ready in enough time to knock out a mile or two before 8am rolls around again.  I'd like to get ahead and stay ahead if possible.

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