By Gabrielle Rosenthal-Ayres on Tuesday, 06 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Covered in sweat is the norm

I knew this would be the case going into the cycle, however, I don't think my last cycles were this hot and humid outdoors.  I wanted to get some grass cut before the rains come, but that didn't happen.  I did get to go to guitar today, which is good because I haven't been able to go due to various circumstances the past few weeks.  We also tested in PMAA tonight, and testing ran longer than class does.  I'm wondering if part of that has to do with the amount of material we had to cover in this section.  There's a sticks training Saturday I need to sign us up for but I'm trying to see if my oldest wants to jump in before I buy stuff. In addition to PMAA testing I also took class, went to spin class earlier in the day, and lifted some weights.  Can't forgot to add in the daily black belt requirements, too!  Hence, sweaty.

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