By Gabrielle Rosenthal-Ayres on Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

C'mon, knee, don't fail me now

I wish I knew what I did to my knee, but apparently I angered it in class sometimes yesterday.  I got up in the middle of the night and realized that a) my knee felt stiff and wouldn't bend and b) I couldn't put weight on it.  I had to do some weird one legged limp shuffle to the bathroom, rub some voltaran gel on it, fall back into bed, and pray that the morning found it more cooperative.  It was a bit better in the morning but still stiff.  Between Voltaran and ibuprofen I was able to get three miles in walking, but not at top speed.  I also saw a very friendly black cat along the way who insisted I stop and pet it.  I made it to guitar (yea!) but was late because I had to swing by and give Samuel ibuprofen because he fell and sprained his wrist in PE.  He was not able to move his pinky or ring finger so we ended up at the Ortho urgent care getting his hand x rayed rather than go to class.  Turns out the doctor saw him two years ago and remembered us! Samuel is in a splint for up to two weeks now until things heal.

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