By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Wednesday, 04 September 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

Bonus DLC #3

I don't think I ever took a lunch today.  It was so busy that I survived on quick trips to the kitchen to grab snacks.  It happens sometimes and it wasn't even because of the Cycle.

Samuel was still home sick today so no Black Belt class for me tonight.  Gabe went by herself instead and brought back some tips about our forms for testing.  While she was gone I practiced all the self-defenses I know and all the non-weapons forms I know.  (I did all my weapons forms yesterday.)  Both of those pretty much filled up all the required time for the day.  I do like this part of the cycle where I can cover everything I know without "going over".  There's no harm in doing extra but sometimes you only have enough time for the required requirements.

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