By Lori Schneider on Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Category: Candidate Journals

Beat up

Yep....I definitely hurt my toe. Swollen and discolored. Couldn't run on it and even walking I can't put any pressure on it without a lot of pain.  Every time I turned over last night I woke up from the pain too. Someone at work looked at it and thought it was broken, but it's a pinky toe so it really doesn't matter. I just need it to heal. I've been icing it on and off. So it looks like I will be walking a few miles instead of running the next day or so.  I tried jump roping but based on the amount of pain, I'm thinking I'm doing more harm than good. I tried jumping just on my left foot, but then my shin splints were killing me.  I will try again tomorrow. 

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