By Eric Lieberman on Sunday, 24 January 2016
Category: Candidate Journals

Back after 8 days of Summer

I just got back after 8 days in the Southern Hemisphere off the coast of Colombia. Not going to lie, wish i was still there. Got a ton of walking and running done while on the boat and on shore but wasnt really able to get much done in the way of other workouts. Wish I could count lifting a 18 month old and 3 year old up and down as pushups and i would probably be halfway to my requirements. Had a couple nice falls when the boat was really rocking last night (10+ ft waves can make even a very large ship roll) but not sure if i can count those as falls/rolls. Was very interesting to be in the middle of January and experiencing spring/summer weather on a beach on a tropical island, would recommend it if you havent tried it... 

To bad the casino beat me up until the last day when I was able to have some revenge (although not complete). 

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