By Mark Rosenthal-Ayres on Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Category: Candidate Journals

An Unextraordinary Wednesday

Today was a good day, which is surprising given that we mostly spent the day spinning our wheels at work.  Fortunately, the issue was tracked down and resolved, freeing us up to move on to the things we're supposed to be doing.  Ironically, it wasn't even anything our team had done - it was a third party issue.

On the Cycle side of things, I got almost everything done before I left for the dojang - only kicks left to do and I got those done before coming home.  With 18 minutes to cover with both forms and self-defenses, we're just about to the point where I can practice everything I know without going too far over the 'limit'.  It does make me glad that I'm "only" testing for 3rd Dan; it seems like there's a lot of new forms to learn between 3rd and 4th.  Fortunately, I don't need to worry about those yet.

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