By Courtney Benson on Friday, 30 August 2019
Category: Candidate Journals


Me and my friend were chatting the other night and she had to write a essay about the life events that shaped her life. And she felt kind bad that 3/4 life events were negative. We kept talking, and I told her that we change and grow from experiences. When we get comfortable for too long, it can led us to stagnated growth. So life is going to throw us things and make us uncomfortable, but a positive spin of it is is you're going to growth and change. I'm not happy that I was diagnosed with Grave's disease, but I appreciate the person I change to because I dealt with Graves. I think I could have been this motivated, independent, hard-working person years ago, but I think because I was so use to being comfortable and not pushing myself more, I wasn't........This journal is very jumbled and a bit confusing, but I wrote it so its getting posted   

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