By Alyssa Marie Stevens on Monday, 23 February 2015
Category: Candidate Journals

1st day of the White Belt Challenge!

Today was my first day of the White Belt Challenge, I hated it, it was very boring; I think I thought that because I am so far along and doing all of the White Belt stuff is very easy and I find it hard to understand why it took me a hour and fifteen minutes to work on white belt stuff when I first started. It did definitely feel different; it felt weird "starting all over" and being a white belt, I could not really do anything throughout the whole class because of it. I remember 1st starting, and not knowing anything, and now I really realize how far I have gotten in Taekwondo and how much I have accomplished! Knowing how much I have accomplished in my life makes me want to keep working hard and work harder to achieve more goals! I LOVE Taekwondo and I have high confidence that I will do great! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with all of your exercises.

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