
Master John Burkart

Member since: Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Last Visit: Monday, 19 October 2020
Master John
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Good Afternoon 

There are some exciting things coming up in 2020, I turn 60, I have some weird family news coming in and I am testing for my 6th.  So exciting times are coming my way and looking forward to seeing what the future the up an downs along the way. Need to keep pushing remind myself to keep pushing and always have some help with my...

Good Afternoon 

There are some exciting things coming up in 2020, I turn 60, I have some weird family news coming in and I am testing for my 6th.  So exciting times are coming my way and looking forward to seeing what the future the up an downs along the way. Need to keep pushing remind myself to keep pushing and always have some help with my friends to keep  me on track. 

I am working way to much with my environmental work, 9Round and KTA Fitness. So this is going to be a challenge but need to continue to make time and work on a goal. I still live in Matthews and commute a lot to get my training completed. I have more excuses than most but need to put them aside. So here we go and see you on the other side. 



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