Brain overload...
So quickly I feel like I'm falling behind.. I am struggling a bit .. Staying positive. Mr. Weeks said relax, don't be so rough on myself.
Most days this week it has felt like there are not enough hours in the day. . here again, my journal for my day (I'm still working on Friday stuff) is actually tomorrow already.. wow.
There is still so much I need to learn. Thank you Ms. Dege for your generous offer to help me out. You rock!
Black Belt Class tomorrow hopefully I can get a few things to 'stick'. I always look forward to seeing Master Randle, Ms. Dege, & Ms. Tucker at the BB classes at Char.
Well, I've run out of hours in this day too. I need to try and get some rest, two classes back to back always have a tendency to wear me out.
Rest well all !

PS. If you happened to have seen my post in regards to my baby sister being in the hospital. She is home, still not 'well', but hopefully on a path to feeling better. I think though there may be a tough road ahead for her to travel. Any prayers are appreciated. No matter how old we have grown, I still see them as 'baby' sisters and just want to make things right for them. Its tough.