Still sick, I am currently extremely nauseous and have a huge stomachache. But I would like to not make this, once again, short journal focus on my flu pains throughout the entire day, because that would turn this journal into a Michael Crichton novel. 




So the musical I am currently writing is called 'CHAMPIONS', which is a Hamilton and Epic inspired musical. The musical follows six warriors who are placed in a gladiator arena and have to fight to the death for the audience's entertainment. I have finished the first song, which is the intro song, and I am working on the second. I do already have some people who are already wanting to audition, which I am so grateful for. The music, so far, I am very proud of, and I am so excited when I am able to start promoting this musical. I have a YouTube channel prepared, and I am quite possibly going to download more social media websites in order to promote to a further audience. 


That's it, I am sick, please send help :D



P.S. the horror short film I scored a role for is started filming very soon, and I would love to promote the film to you guys!